
Finally! A chance for some justice! I hope dozens more of these pop up and the NAACP's legal fund is flush with donations. If we can't make hate criminal, we should at least make it expensive!

Are we that bored to still be talking about this?

Thank God she isn't hurt. I hope this case gets thrown out, but it is Florida.

The records of public servant’s interaction with the public, should be public! They lost their privacy when they accepted tax payer money.

Being dumb is really expensive...

These “men of God” much like their orange chosen one, must be holding the Bible upside down. They have every teaching of Jesus backwards.

Employee or customer?

I’m worried about her head too. Does she have a therapist? A neurologist? Hair is the easy part.

I don't understand, didn't Democrats win the Senate in Georgia?

Pfft, he picked her.

Eh, he’s still has two ex-wives, a “baby mama,” and six children. None of that is Twitter's fault.

We need a completely new service. Downsize the police departments and use that cash to build a new emergency service that can sanely handle these types of calls.

It’s been 9 years since Trayvon Martin was murdered. Obama didn’t fix this. Is Biden going to do something about “stand your ground?” Indiscriminate murder should not be allowed in America.

How does Fox News still have advertisers? Who are these terrorism funders?

We’re in a pandemic. We haven’t seen a restaurant in over a year.

These trails need to be delayed until the 20th. I've seen no evidence that they will happen that quickly. Trump can’t pardon a conviction that hasn’t happened yet.

You can’t heal cancer without removing the cancer.

I already forget her name, it’s good to know the story though. She was a terrorist nut and her death is a relief to America. Good riddance foul nameless creature.

I would just quit the team.

As long as you love yourself, and you and your partner love each other, then it doesn’t matter what race you marry. Trying to fix other’s biases and insecurities is not your burden. Being truly loving is.