
0.1% of the US population in less than a year!

What upsets me most is that we keep talking about getting Timnit Gebru’s job back, but no one talks about firing Jeff Dean.

This is the Kyle Rittenhouse effect. 😔

They just wanted to “own the libs.” They don't think any further than that. Except for the rich whose goal was robbery.

On January 20th 2020, MAGA will finally live up to its original promise. Unfortunately, it had to trash the place first to get there.

It's crazy that his most criminal and treasonous acts are happening right now. I still don't think he'll face any consequences except maybe in NY and a few lawsuits might get a penny or two.

Obama was a compromise. We have to keep moving forward. If we stop at Obama we’ll never get to MLK’s dream. Obama missed the Civil Rights movement. He’s only ever been “radical” to white America. Black people need radicals like MLK, who are not afraid to upset white people, white establishments, and the white power

Vote Democrat in the general elections.

Republicans only belief is in “owning the libs.” Reality doesn't matter.

When I bought a 2014 JGC, people criticised the decision saying that I should have bought a 4Runner instead. With 110,000 miles on the odometer I’ve had one check engine light, one recall, changed spark plugs at 90k miles, and it’s still getting 21-25 mpg when I drive it. 16-18 when my wife drives it, but still better

There's this one house in my neighborhood where a BMW is proudly displayed in a car port. Just behind it, is entire wall of Craftsman tools. Not exactly the best endorsement. However, I suppose the owner enjoys all the work.

Good riddance!

Preexisting conditions and inperson work are the biggest factors. Meanwhile in Africa, they hardly have any Coronavirus. Being out doors and a lack of antimasker Karen’s has done wonders. If only America had decent leadership.

I haven’t tried rotating my JGC’s tires because my floor jack isn’t to that task. However, for my Tesla I have to use the floor jack as a stand, and lift it high enough to get two wheels on the same side up. Or use two floor jacks. Or get these fancy expensive jack stands that fit into the floor jack. Or get a lift.

There is so much potential to test in learn in FE. Unfortunately, we also have many more economical ways to conduct comparable testing. Racing isn't as necessary as it once was, and the performance of high end road cars already far outstrips their utility on public roads.

BMW kept winning every magazine contest until Tesla showed up.

Cars are boring, they have personalities, they don’t have a favorite type of hay to eat, they don't miss you, they have feelings, they don't have muscles or a heartbeat. Cars are just too boring to ever replace horses.

Not a Tesla or even my ‘14 JGC. The four corner lift points is all you get.

In Silicon Valley and Google especially, they only want you if you are white or Asian (which includes Indian). If you aren’t then they expect compliance and submission. These environments rose out of Californian white privileged tech-bro culture. Black people are not welcome there. These are the people that control

Doesn’t work on dark faces anyway. One of few times when racial bias in technology actually worked out in our favor.