
I couldn’t imagine how lonely it must be to be a black billionaire. If I ever made more than $5 million, I’d give away every penny after that.

Or they’ve got a few in their family but rather confront black people with a “not all white people,” than confront daddy about his MAGA hat.

Lincoln freed white people from the burden of catching self-emancipating slaves. They couldn't afford to stop that many escaping people. Especially when there was no longer a profit incentive for the north. Lincoln was not a hero.

The only chicken I’ve ever had in Trinidad was curry. Then again, that’s my mom’s home not mine.

Okay, well this isn't as bad as the dreadlock thing rude one.

Royalty is barbaric. It doesn’t matter what color the royal is, they were all horrible. The only king I respect, is Jesus. The rest are frauds.

Exactly, that child needs to be rescued not imprisoned.

Can we just get this over with? Just pick Kamala and move on. We don’t need all this theater, Joe.

I told my wife about this article and she’s telling me that the wall of mom’s already addressed this. According to my wife they were doing their own thing separate from BLM to protect their kids. They aren’t trying to distract from anything and they knew this response was going to happen.

Burying your head in the sand when snakes show up isn't going to help either.

Filing as a non-profit allows them to write things off on taxes resulting in them getting more money. I had a friend that bought a $100k car and wrote off the taxes. Some people write off entire houses. Those weren't non-profits but they can be just as easily. People who own non-profits have access to lots of tax

If I were them, I would pack up my millions, retire, and find some work from home thing to keep me busy. Forget dying for basketball. Someone is going to get Coronavirus and that just isn’t worth money to me.

Clearly you've never driven both.

A power wall battery pack?

Adjusted per capita, Chicago is actually one of the safer cities in America.

People skills are more important than weapons.

You need to work on your reading comprehension... 🙄

I went from NES, to Genesis, to PS1-4. All the way up to 3, each generation was a huge leap forward. Then PS4 was just a step, PS5 is just another step. I don’t feel like dropping hundreds for this. The only “must have" I see is VR, and VR is like buying two PS5's. My wife bought the PS4 so if I end up with a 5, it

The purpose of a weapon is to apply force to achieve an outcome. Even a “less than leathal” weapon still uses force to achieve compliance. Force is always violent.

Most Americans with pickup trucks would do better with a lifted station wagon with a trailer hitch. Good luck getting any of them to buy something like that.