
Battery energy density will never match diesel. Even with the efficiency advantage, ICE will have more range potential. However, eventually the costs benefits from maintenance and efficiency will make ICE less practical. Additionally, the value of not breathing in brain damaging exhaust particulates, is immeasurable.

You can seal batteries easier than you can seal an engine. How do you think battery powered submarines work?

Of course they don't run that slow, they would stall out. Electric motors can run as slow as you want. That gives you way more control at slow speed. Which is exactly what you want when you lack traction or need to navigate something tricky.

Electric motors solve the wet tire problem by being far easier to control. You can crank out max torque at 1 RPM (or less). You don’t get that kind of throttle precision with ICE.

Considering that it only takes one screeching Karen/Ken to make an innocent black person (especially in “stand your ground” Florida), this stuff is horrible. I hope the $100k is enough, but we really need to do something about Florida. Those republicans need to be driven out.

Less than leathal weapons can still maim and kill. Trying to make them softer will only go so far. Weapons are still going to be violent.

We still have the Senate and the House to deal with. Together they can control a president. We have to play for the big picture. The DNC is messing up, but we can primary the screw ups and change the party. Even Biden could be primaried in 2024. That’s why we have to keep voting blue, because a Republican primary is

What is your personal risk of being robbed? This is white fragility to think every black person is sitting there waiting to rob you. Black people just want to live. The real world threat of violence is no where near as high as your imagination projects it to be. Defund the police isn’t eliminating the police. It’s

Defund the police doesn’t mean we eliminate all ability to respond to violent crime. It means we scale down the armament of the police to match the actual real world threat of violence. It means training the police to respond to non-violence with non-violence. There’s no need for a firearm to even be present at a

How many lbs-ft at 0-500 RPM? Oh zero? How embarrassing...

They know that they’re wrong but they don’t want give up the privilege to continue being wrong. For every ounce of equality we have obtained, we had to claw our way to it. This will be no different. This is why we cannot ever let up. They only hear us, when they have to hear us.

Defund isn’t harsh enough. I appreciate your honesty, but the idea that you need an armed police force to respond to a hypothetical car keying is still drenched in white privilege.

The death toll is hitting his pockets. Someone told him to put on mask on to save the money and that’s what we’re seeing now.

Tyson is a covert narcissist. He’s fun to watch in the ring but he’s a human being up close. He calls himself a “savage” out of pride.

Both men could easily die in this fight. They're too old and too battered. They need to take a nap.

You should watch Tony Tucker schooling Tyson in his prime. Tucker was a shadow of Ali, the real deal would have ended Tyson.

If you want to vote 3rd party, vote in a Dem primary and change the party. Call, write letters, march, and protest until they hear you. Then vote blue down the ballot.

Old = racist but he is our last chance.

How do you shoot someone in the back in "self-defense?"

Reddit can be a nightmare. I left FB and Twitter so all I have left is Reddit and I hate it. I just to be able to socialize with other adults that share my uncommon interests, without having to constantly entertain or be confronted with white supremacist narratives and the erasure of African Americans.