
Black America has a gun to it’s head called Donald Trump. A vote for Joe Biden is the wallet we begrudgingly hand over to get another day of life on this racist planet.

That’s all they see as. We’re just items on the menu to be used and discarded. Just like Jason Pope aka “DJ Kid" who exposed 700 black underaged black girls and women to AIDS.

If you bought the stock last year you would be rolling in dough right now. You messed up.

Usually the randoms walk up to me. I suppose things are different in opposite world?

Just take your trash out. You don’t have to let anything fester. Flushing down the toilet doesn’t magically erase it, it just causes plumbing problems.

Imagine putting all that effort into trying to rescue your home from white supremacists, only to have it snatched away by overtly racist voter suppression? And then the world turns around and say, “well, you lost?” Then, even the people you fought for say it?

Slavery taught black people to beat their own kids. Millennials are the first generation to start unlearning that lesson. The result are generations of psychologically broken people with anxiety, depression, and many unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Why do we keep giving these leeches energy? Just ignore them.

He’s not failing up though. He’s a spectacle that will be tokenized, abused, and forgotten about by Republicans. Just like every black person that ever got any attention as a Republican. Once Kanye stops being useful in the exploitation of black people, you're going to stop hearing about him.

He doesn't care about you, he'd run you over like a dog and keep going even before he met a single Kardashian. Kanye doesn't deserve any help, that's narcissism tricking you into feeling sympathy. That's how they get their supply.

I’ve always thought of Talib as a bit overhyped for his lyrical ability. He’s an okay poet, but rap is supposed to have rhythm and rhymes. Regardless, on Twitter I got excited about him because he was taking down those ADOS clowns (a Russian psyop scheme to co-opt black people in our fight for equality). Those tweets

Learn how to fix your own stuff. It will save you so much. I’ve already repaired three major appliances. Although, I admit, I was scared of breaking something. Still, it was easier than I thought, and if I did break something ordering another part is still cheaper than hiring someone. Repairmen are expensive.

If you can watch a YouTube video and twist a wrench, don’t ever call a plumber. Plumbing is so easy. Unless you have a serious and urgent issue, just DIY. Get a toilet auger from the hardware store and keep a toilet repair kit for when one starts leaking. Those kits replace everything at once so you don't have to

That feeling when you sell your house after it appreciates in value and you move somewhere better with the money. That's a great feeling. Homeownership is the biggest source of wealth generation in America which is exactly why black people have been historically denied access while white people are given preferential

She's going to an awful mother. 😔

BPD is a common cop out for narcissistic behavior. Don't buy it. Once you have NPD it's nearly impossible to diagnose anything else because they're so dishonest.

If my grandma had the option to abort, my mom, siblings, and children wouldn’t exist. Yet, if that would have relieved her trauma of being raped, I would accept that. How could I expect anyone to carry that kind of pain?

Yes, let’s start a gang war and see how many innocent bystanders we can kill in the carnage. What an awesome idea!

Snitching is what Karen does. It’s when you call police over a situation that doesn’t require law enforcement.

When it comes to famous people, expect to be disappointed. We really need to stop worshipping these people, as if their wealth makes them better than anyone else.