
Kim's the worst. Khloe is just Kim's shadow.

Keep worshipping these people because they have millions and dark skin, you’re going to be disappointed many many times. A role model is measured by acts of love, not net worth.

I saw a show about people attacked by animals. The one who was bit by a shark didn't get any results from nose punching. He had to eye gouge. Theory and practice are two different things.

White people technically come from interbreeding with Neanderthals. Neanderthals were red haired with blue eyes. Mixing with them produced variations in skin, eye, and hair color in humans. Most of the rest of the genome has been lost in history, so it's mostly superficial stuff. You should look it up.

LOL, no wants to check slides. Come on now!


Except white people consider everyone else ethnic. They get to be the default.


In red states expect black voters to be mass purged from the rolls the day before election, only white neighborhoods will have polling stations, and all the voting machines will be hacked. The blatant obvious shenanigans of 2016, will return at unprecedented levels of boldness and crudeness.

Money and fame, is clearly over valued.

That’s no different than alcohol, eating disorders, and drugs. People “self medicate" in all kinds of ways, but you can't fix trauma by running from it. No matter what direction you run, you're still dragging that baggage with you.

Officers are generally the worst of the military. They're few exceptions but so much about that culture is toxic. It's what happens when the people who give commands are so far removed from the consequences.

Even if you hate Biden, vote Biden. You can always fill Congress with progressives to balance him. Keep voting in primaries and at every chance you get. It is slow, but is cumulative. Biden is easier to control than Trump.

Police shouldn’t be allowed use anything that gets less than 40 mpg as a patrol vehicle. They also shouldn’t be allowed to carry a firearm on their body, unless they are responding to violent crime.

Parental control of adult offspring is a real issue. I didn’t date until I owned a house with my own money. I was discouraged from marriage too, but I had enough miles of highway to form a sufficient barrier of independence.

The scourge of Karen’s, Ken’s, and Kops needs to end.

Good for him. I would have pressed charges and filed a civil suit. Regardless, her prosecution is necessary for the safety of the rest of us. Hopefully they slam the book on her and set a precedent for every Karen waiting in the wings.

Hair + dough = 🤮

Not entirely true. Exit polls show Obama won white women and POC. White men voted white. Then Trump came and white men and white women voted Trump. White men are pissed at Obama, but the white women who went from Obama to Trump aren’t. They want white power too, but they still like Obama. Maybe these Karen's just hate

That's just the front for female torture porn. You can show machines rising up without making women the butt of the joke.