
We need to weaponize “unlawful detainment,” “false police report,” and “Civil Rights violation,” along with the right to assembly, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We all need a law degree just to step outside.

Crews has gone three quarters Kanye. I’m just waiting for him to put on the wig from White Chicks and hug Donald Trump.

Isn't rape the entire premise of Westworld? It's just another Doll House with likely creeps of the same magnitude as Joss Whedon or worse.

Black people have stay on the alert for the KKK. Karen's, Ken's, and Kops.

Meanwhile Pope Francis...

We have a winner. Everything Kardashian West does is a publicity stunt.

The ads and on this page man...

This is why I stay away from Indiana. That and all the pollution poisoning everyone and everything.

The British monarchy practically invented anti-black racism. I wish someone had warned her.

Rambo Becca, has been training for that moment her whole life. She probably even practiced jumping out of the van.

That's actually a hand guard. Although his muzzle discipline is horrendous. Then again their trigger discipline later in that event was worse. Then again, their discipline as basic human beings is a complete loss anyway.

Africa is still ravaged by the effects of colonization and slavery. So many of those countries only recently gained independence. They have the most valuable natural resources, but all these outsiders steal it. America and Russia both ship weapons and soldiers into Africa propping up war lord’s so they can get cheap

We need optical tape for archival. No bit rot with optical storage.

Joss Whedon is a creep.

Pimps are disgusting child rapists. 🤮

Nor does it grant the right to an audience.

The only time in my life when I heard “oh, it’s just a black guy” was at a Jewish party. The rest of them were cool, but man, I didn’t even think Jewish people could be racist until that.

Exactly! Some people are intentionally stupid.

Requiring silence about sex, especially involving someone with mental illness, just reeks of abuse. If you don’t want kiss and tell, then don’t kiss people who tell.

Yep. Joe Biden is going to Joe Biden.