
“Get thee behind me Satan”

“TheyWant Us for Our Black Faces on Their Diversity Reports”

They borrow black music, build wealth on it, and walk away without giving anything back. Just saying that black people built this, isn't enough.

Karen is definitely feminine. I’ve been thinking about the names Aryan Andy and Ku Klux Kyle. This guy looks more like an Andy, Kyle’s tend to be LEO’s and they kill people.

You should see the ad on this page. Hilarious.

This is sexual assault. To charge anything less is obscene.

I forgive her already. I don’t have any sympathy, trust, or patience for her, but she is not about to occupy my mind. I don’t have space for her or anyone who operates like her. I don’t know her name, I barely know what she looks like, I don’t care where she lives or works, none of that is going to be in my memory.

Plenty of Karen’s went from Obama to Trump. They are as quick to kill us as they are to swoon over us.


I’ve noticed that having culture outside of America can also cause people to openly question your blackness. Even if your parents are literally from Africa. Regardless, the black side of the fence is way more welcoming. White spaces tend to be much more homogeneous, and once they get “comfortable” all kinds of trash

This is why I don't Twitter. Social media just enables Trump. None of them have a spine.

Cow’s aren’t exactly known for their smarts.

That’s the answer. Even Serena Williams almost died in childbirth. Just imagine the average black person with COVID-19 symptoms. We get worse health care, live in worse environments (pollution), and as a result suffer more from all medical conditions. Which all add up more when something like COVID-19 hits us.

Pre-existing conditions.

“living in “dumping grounds””

While I’m going to vote Biden regardless, I’m now focusing on Congress. That’s where our biggest opportunities are. Just focusing on the president alone is not cutting it. I did that with Obama and then the 2010 cut his legs out and paved the way for Trump. Of course losing the Voting Rights Act then of 1965 was also

I'm not so sure. It makes sense but is Biden sensible? The next four years are going to be better, but it's still going to suck. 

I’m just waking up to that. I can’t miss a primary, a midterm, or a presidential election. I have to know every name on the ballot or there’ll never be change. And, all of us have to do this for decades.

We go to church on YouTube. Not sure what everyone else's problem is.

That’s incredible! I remember growing up Andrew’s Air Force base would always have an airshow near my birthday. I haven't gone to one in ages. I wonder what their schedule is.