
The endless dead bodies of black and native people. The results of every confrontation between law enforcement and legally armed black people.

Your mistake is blaming God for the actions of people. You are responsible for your own actions. Each individual is responsible for what they do. Not what is done to them. There is no excuse for your hate. That hate will only burn you. You can save yourself at any time. Good luck.

The thing about the grenade was sarcasm.

A narcissist needs validation, they hold a high opinion of themselves and depend on you to maintain that illusion. A sociopath already thinks the worst of themselves. You can’t demean them. They are already there. For them, their low view of themselves justifies anything they do to you. They simply don’t care anymore.

Really? Because you literally recommend one:

Life is a gift. A temporary gift. The afterlife is eternal. You fixate on the wrong thing.

I love miss applications of Scott’s man fallacies. People are allowed to define things. Regardless, even your comprehensive math book has details that are less important and details that are more important. Additionally, math text books are corrected all of the time. They are not perfect, and none of them have

The Bible is just a vessel for God’s message. You still need your own personal connection with God. There are people who study the history, the languages, the cultures, etc, and do great work with the Bible. There also people whose work with the Bible isn’t so great. Yet at the end of it all, you still have to form

Not your sweetie, and yes they are. They appear similar but are fundamentally opposite. It’s an understandable confusion.

Sociopath = I don’t care what you think of me, I’m just here to exploit everyone for the things I want at all costs.

MJ is a narcissist. They don't have real relationships. Just people they use until those people wake up, stand up for themselves, and the narcissist loses it. MJ is going to die alone like they all do.

No, he only flipped over the table to shield himself after throwing a grenade. This must be from that Kearsy Graves Bible.

Guns were only written into the Constitution because the founding fathers knew, that you cannot rob the natives of their land, and Africans of their freedom, without a firearm in your hand to keep them oppressed. The second amendment was never intended for us. Nor was it meant as a check on government power. Even

Jesus did not go into a violent rage. The verses in the Bible don’t all carry the same weight. Some verses are just songs. Some are parables meant to teach a lesson. The words of Jesus are the direct words of God as Jesus is God.

It’s a simple deflection. They know their guilt, so they accuse us with the very thing they are guilty of. They are not interested in our point of view, they are only interested in maintaining their own power. Keeping us down provides them with cheap exploitable labor, and excuses for every one of their failures.

When it comes to the Bible, I always focus on Jesus, especially when he is quoted. Jesus didn’t just talk in a low voice. He challenged the church, he challenged the Pharisees, he challenged the Romans. He even reversed things from the Old Testament. When he stood before evil, he called it out and he did not back down.

I didn’t mean perfection, but we are supposed work on ourselves. We are commanded to love God and our neighbors, and love is never idle when there are wrongs to fix. So yes, we should not wait for justice. We should challenge evil and lead by example. Exactly, as Jesus did.

Meanwhile my white neighbors haven't socially distanced since this whole thing started.

I've seen white college kids set the campus on fire and not get arrested. I've seen a white college get busted for selling weed and all he got was an ankle bracelet.

Was Jesus dying on the cross justice? Where was justice on Earth promised? God is just in his final judgement. Hopefully when we get to that, we’ll find that our hearts are pure and not corrupt like this man.