
Forget basketball for a second. LeBron James is simply a better person, not that MJ set that standard very high. I mean even by average NBA standards, LBJ is good person. Not a single report of him cheating, neglecting his kids, or abusing anyone. Plus he has that school. They say MJ jumps higher, but when I watch the

These masks are probably going to hospitals. Some doctor or nurse is getting a mask Trump breathed on.

Why are people still behaving like this is new news? We knew about her, we knew about Biden, we know exactly how he was going to respond. Where is the surprise? Either this is the candidate we are backing or we better get a new one yesterday. I don’t see how these statements help anything. The nominee shouldn't need

The issues facing Native Americans absolutely deserves it’s own space. This specific post was about black people. Regardless, despite my efforts to learn more about them, I am not qualified to speak on their experiences. Although I have noticed that many people of Native descent are labeled as immigrants, even though

Nissan is dead. They’re giving up on EV’s. America may have an idiot president, but the rest of the world does not. COVID-19 kills people with respiratory ailments. Europe is getting stricter on emissions. Nissan renamed Infiniti products to Q for electrification and now they abandon it. Nissan’s ICE line up sucks,

If you have to go, make sure someone is with you or coming for you. Just having people show up can make a difference. Being alone is when you are most vulnerable.

If only we could hold the monopoly on stupid, but we aren’t even close.

Some of these people are actually Trump supporters, some of these people are trolls, and a few of them are spoiled children.

“Low information voters” is an Alt-Right term. You just killed any chance of credibility with that slip up. Bye now.

Biden has to win. It’s our job to make sure Biden wins. We have nothing else. After Trump is more Trump. His kids and cronies are going to take over.

Consoles are easy, but I can see a point where they’ll become limited to casual gaming markets. Eventually, mobile phones will eat the low end while PC’s eat the high end. VR offers the chance to keep consoles in it, but even that could go to PC’s.

Right now, I can’t even imagine buying a new console. My kids want the Wii, it’s $500+ on Amazon right now. We haven’t left the house in a month. Groceries are up, my wife is out of work.

Tara, the primary is over. You missed your shot. Just as we all had to endure four years of Trump, you will have to endure four years of president Joe Biden. Welcome to America.

What are we going to do about it?

Yeezy Slides? You’re out here buying Kanye MAGA West shoes?

I just got my kids the Wii (the Switch is almost $600 on Amazon). The controls fit their little hands better than the PS4 controllers. Plus it gets them off my console so I can play.

The certainty of starvation vs the uncertainty of infection. Most would pick the gamble and who can blame them? I hope people keep social distancing, but I can’t judge those who choose to work.

I’ve been cutting my own since prices hit $25 before tip. I’m an introvert, so I never enjoyed barbershop conversation. Just cut my hair and get off the phone. Anyway, my clippers costs less than two hair cuts. I’m not at pro, but my wife is happy with it. She does her own hair too. She used to do that for money on

These are the same people overdosing on opiates, committing suicide, and shooting up the school when someone is mean to them. They have excuses for everything and turn every topic into one about themselves.

Sounds like fun. Although I just picked up GT Sport for $20, so it's going to have to wait.