
I am starting to wonder if rich white people are impacted by this at all. They probably have medicine that we don’t.

I have reflective belts and a blinking headlamp. I look as geeky as my white neighbors doing the same thing. They should recognize me by now. There's not many of us in this place.

Nonviolent offenders shouldn't even be in prison. That should be a fine or community service.

Look good for who? Save your money. We have no idea how bad this is going to get!

Look good for who? Save your money. We have no idea how bad this is going to get!

If Trump/Russia can turn Diamond and Silk into full time minstrel cheerleaders, if they can make armies of fake black Twitter accounts, then how can we say that Shaun’s detractors are all genuine?

You know, I never got that. I’ve been avoiding white people and getting looks on my morning runs all through the pandemic, and this is the first time that I get it. Wow!

The HMMWV has already been paid for with US tax dollars and is therefore within the public domain. Activision is invoking the wrong rights here.

You think I spent $80k on a Model 3? 😂

I think priveledge is asking a stranger to buy you a car. Even I have to buy my own vehicles. If I can’t pay my rent or mortgage, I don’t have a Bernard on speed dial to hit up. When I need movers or my car broke down, I don’t have a Bernard to show up with a check or an old car he can just title out to me. No, I

I would suggest something with a liquid cooled battery, but if that’s out of your price range maybe this helps? (You will want to get an electrician to install a charger in your garage/driveway)

It hurts to see black people supporting Kanye.

One positive to the COVID-19 quarantine is that air quality is already improving and emissions are way down. It’s a shame that the Environmental *Protection* Agency is working to undo this under Trump. Regardless, the auto industry should be ashamed of themselves for missing emissions targets and delaying electric

Good luck getting passed the suppression. They've already shut down polls in black districts.

It's definitely weakening it. A lot of old white men will have to kick the bucket for any of this to have staying power though. Unfortunately, many of our elderly will be in that same pile of bodies. Fortunately, the young are the most progressive. We just need them to vote and get involved in politics.

My older sister used to dress me and my brother up as girls. We still turned out heterosexual. You can't alter epigenetics with clothing. American's really need better science education.


I can't say that I am going to miss them. If only Trump wasn't so incompetent we could have been on lockdown since day one and avoided this mess.

I’m so glad that I am my own barber now. I hate barber shops. It’s so hard to find a decent barber, and then they all want to talk. When they realize I hate small talk, they want to get on the phone. Then I leave a big tip only for them to turn around and jack up the price?

Nice come back. I'll cry about it while driving my Model 3 😂

This is worse than putting VTEC stickers on a Mustang.