
Aww, someone can't afford a Tesla 😭

I found the donation page!

At HS lunch I kept losing. The other team always had a cold or rash because everyone was pulling ears, scratching noses, chins. Strange how they knew exactly which cards to play and never missed a bid. They could even hit a Blind Nil perfectly everytime...

Where do I donate to get this ad blasted on TV 24/7?

I saw a TV series about animal attacks where a completely unprovoked Bison in a parking lot sent a lady flying through the air. She broke some bones but survived.

Meh. Tesla sales seem to be fine.

You can do all those things by copying the media to the new physical storage medium. Plenty of people still watch and listen to old movies and music that were originally recorded on formats that are now dead. I still have a CD collection, and all of them are MP3 converted, and I have played those songs in my CD

I'm half West Indian and half Nigerian. I've been told I'm not black. Yet, I still grew up playing Spades at lunch in highschool. Don't ask me to dance, I dance like a West Indian.

Ha! Justice! If only those boys didn't have to suffer though. I still can't watch this movie. It hurts too much.

Okay, but she’s still his *3rd* trophy wife. I guarantee he's a narcissist like Trump.

Maybe the taxi medallion system wasn't so bad after all?

Comcast is evil. Unfortunately, they are the only high speed internet service provider in my area. I only pay them for internet. They tried to get me to bundle TV and I said no. If I have to pay them, I will pay for exactly what I need and not a penny more.

“having hot babes bring you rum”

She looks like she could be his daughter... 🤮

It’s a self correcting problem.

They’re just going to get sick and the old ones will die. In the fight for equality COVID-19 is actually a hero. Most of the racism is in America is in the older population. There are young racists too, but they’re still following their grandparents examples.

My neighbors are still sending their kids to the park and gathering in group walks. Quarantining myself won't save them and I still need groceries, so I'm not safe from them either. We all share a community grocery store.

Self-driving will happen with billions and billions of miles of human monitored machine learning on the the job. They will have to drive so much that even the rarest edge cases have hundreds of thousands of logged examples to learn from. It’s insurmountable, but it requires different thinking and expectations.

I’m one of the fortunate few, but having kids out of their expensive preschool is not easy.

The quarantine sucks, I don't know how long I can do this, and I'm not convinced that I'm saving anyone anyway.