
I honestly wouldn't get within 20 ft of any NBA player, or any famous person for that matter. They touch way too many people. Especially the males.

Found the Trump supporter.

If you work for scum you become it. No sympathy.

Of course he's going to use every opportunity he can to be hateful. Meanwhile, we'll be talked down to and told that voting is our only recourse while polling stations are being shutdown. Welcome to America.

Since Corona Virus doesn't hurt Millennials these kinds of takes will have less impact down the road.

I agree except for the not voting part. We can’t afford that. Vote Joe. I don’t like him and I will still vote for him. The progressive fight will have to transition to the Senate and House.

Traveling? I don't recall James Harden being brought up. Are you suggesting that he may be a disease vector? Because that would be a foul call to make.

As a fellow INTJ, I can relate to not liking small talk. Me and my INFJ wife are a bit too comfortable with this whole quarantine thing. Unfortunately, our extraverted son is not taking it so well. This he has made clear, probably a whole house over at these volumes...

I would never let one of these hateful people to deprive me of my dignity and potentially my freedom, by retaliating violently. At the same time, I must admit that a part of me wanted to see Amber turn blue.


That’s so ignorant. Stigma worsens disease by burying medical facts under panic, and shaming the infected into masking their conditions, avoiding testing, and not seeking treatment. All of these behaviors worsen the infection risks for everyone and are a major driver in many modern pandemics.

“A better question is: in a country where we are 12.7% of the populace, why would we ever expect a beneficial legislative change in which “black people [are] being prioritized”?”

With the dead bodies of the infected.

This virus just might force America to go Single Payer.

The “HIV is gay” thing was always about men. Women were usually ignored in the discussion. In general, lesbian women contract fewer STD’s than anyone else. However that doesn’t mean they are safe. Penises just seem to be especially talented at spreading everything.

Do you have any idea how many people will go bankrupt waiting 15-20 years for Single Payer? I personally know two black men who could die from their treatable conditions because they can’t afford healthcare. You honestly want me to look them in the eye and tell them to wait?

Biden isn’t Obama. He isn’t offering a single one of Obama’s promises. Obama was not a moderate, he just played one for the camera. ObamaCare was radical. The next step is radical.

Everyone of those modified trucks should be hauled off to scrap. Lung cancer, asthma, and brain damage are not political topics, these are basic facts. I wish Americans weren’t so dumb.

We should egg them on and say "you can't die from a hoax!" Darwin may save us yet! 😂

Just an FYI “blah blah blu blu wub wub” is not “speaking in tongues,” it means your pastor is an idiot. Please read and understand your Bible.