
When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way

McDavid owned the Flames so much last night he’s already complaining about a lack of public financing for their new stadium.

I was going to make a joke about how this was the last time that a New York team was able to shame a Minnesota team in the playoffs. But then I remembered that the Yankees made a habit of humiliating the twins in the 2000's.

“[The Yankees] bullpen can take over a game in a way and for a length that no other roster can match.”

Almost as much fun as the 2015 playoffs, or nah? ;)

As husband material yes, but that’s about the only scenario where an older, smaller, and less exciting version of a thing could be considered “better”.

Had this convo on twitter earlier.

I tutored Tyler Eifert in college and he was without a doubt the dumbest person I tutored in the 3 years I did. He is showing his grasp on history and global politics is no stronger than his grasp on pre-calculus ever was.

If anything the Bills should have been penalized five yards for being too slow.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive-thru.

You should lose 200 points for such an abominable team name.

It can be either. Oh the irony!

Terry is a players manager, not and X’s and O’s kinda guy - but that series was abysmal.

That’s childish and below the belt.

I will be shocked if this man doesn’t end up as an 89 MPH pitcher on St. Louis who somehow ends up with a 3.35 ERA and wins 18 games, as their #3 option.

It’s also not a way you want to describe your President, but, here we are.

As a kid watching wrestling in the 80's, it was easy to not understand just how good Heenan was at his job. I cheered the good guys, booed the bad guys, and that was that.

I think it’s only the perspective of age that allowed me to take a look back to those days and admire what quality work guys like Heenan, Perfect,

The 1992 Royal Rumble should be required viewing for anyone that is trying to get talent over. Bobby Heenan’s sole job in that match was to put Ric Flair over to an audience that had little to no knowledge of the platinum haired man from the South, and boy did he do it.

“So this is heaven, huh Monsoon? You’d think there would be less politicians.”