
He’s just reporting what he’s heard.

Pretty sure the Chargers don’t need to worry about filling the position of trophy manager.

Guess once they left San Diego they didn’t have to stay classy

They’d better hope his son isn’t John.

Lol at the thought of d rose making it that far into a season without all three of his knees exploding.

They suggested he get an MRI, he suggested they should fuck off, and then his arm suggested that Thor is not a doctor.

I must correct Jane Lee; the correct plural is Boogs Powell.

I saw Doc in pinstripes. I saw Darryl in pinstripes. Do you seriously think seeing Jay Bruce in pinstripes can affect this broken Mets heart of mine?

Wait, what? He fulfilled the prophecy at the end of ROTS. Two Jedi (Yoda, Kenobi) and two Sith (Palpatine, Vader) remained. The Force was in balance.

Just don’t take any books in with you.

GM Mike Maccagnan has called his creation “a roster of opportunities,”

You’re completely correct, but it’s supposed to go like this, when you’re a Jet...

Still not as exciting as the inevitable Matt Harvey cameo on an episode of Intervention.

The Chargers introducing their new logo was the branding equivalent of a guy asking his wife to try anal for the first time.

How could you know?! This is like you figuring out Hulk Hogan is Mr. America

Oh yeah, I’m a nets fan and it isn’t even close. No heartbreak the Nets have put me through even comes close to the Jets and watching Lopez until this year has been fun.

As a Bears fan, one of my arguments in favor of signing Glennon and drafting Trubisky is ... “After a season or two, if Trubisky’s ready, the Bears can always cut Glennon loose. Hell, the Jets are always looking for a new quarterback.” 

Don’t give up now, when the Jets win Super Bowl LXXXVIII, you want to be able to say you were the one who stuck it out!

And like most things involving the Tampa Bay Rays, the only ones who’ll actually show up to watch are from New York.

NFL player here. You are spot on about the impotence of the union. Dom touched on it briefly at the end of his article, but the real crux of the union is the wealth disparity between “stars” and the journeymen. Because of this growing disparity, neither class of player has an incentive to strike. The stars want to