
At the base of Chait’s argument is this axiom:

Cruz: “New York? *wink wink* “BAAAAAAAAD”

It’s my professional opinion that David Daleiden seems like a huge dork

Amongst other things...

“Women’s rights became important to me after I had a daughter.”

Dude. I chose Poe Damaran. Cause he’s cute and awesome.

Er, in real-world, non-galactic soap-opera examples, the Third Reich came to power only 16 years after the German/Prussian Military machine was destroyed by WWI and went on to commit all the highly technological atrocities they did. During the ‘20s, the Germans were so broke due to reparations and the currency so

Eh, I thought it was terrific. It’s a movie about magic space wizards with laser swords. Pretty much any expectation beyond that it will pit likable good guys against frightening bad guys in entertaining, sensorily rich fashion is silly.

Much tougher to answer now that Kyle is gone.

Literally throwing away good food in a way that intentionally shames children is completely unreasonable.

Zubaz, Bud Light, folding tables and white trash. The American Dream.

All Wainwright did was talk about how great he and his buddies are and how Heyward is a coward. We might all be used to the Cardinals’ classless “me-first” attitude by now, but it doesn’t make it any less of a blight on the game.

Don’t worry. You can rest assured that I would also make unfunny jokes about Muslim quarterbacks.

Typical “do as I say, not as I do” lip service here from another superstar. I mean really, how is Melo in a position to talk anyone out of shooting?

Dude, orphan holidays are the best! (Presuming you’re not an actual orphan without a family, of course. That probably sucks. But I’m talking the kind where you’ll be alone once). I’ve never experienced Christmas that way, but I did have an orphan Thanksgiving this year for the first time, and it was single-handidly

I have a nephew (10) who’s a vegetarian by his own choice (was maybe 6 or 7 when he went vegetarian).

I’m guessing because he is a fucking idiot.

That pass is even more incredible from this angle:

Unless the “of” is appositional (e.g., nation of Canada) rather than genitive (e.g., father of Luke).