
Popovich is a man of many talents. Who else could coach in the NBA and make time to star in a trilogy at the same time?

I’m thinking book deals, speaking fees, etc. He wants his name out there so he can milk money out of frightened old Catholics who’re scared of the new pope.

So much 1998 in this pic

Absolutely. I’d do this shit too just not to kill myself.

My favorite part of this story is the casual mention of:

This shit doesn't hold a candle to Original Cafe Mix Milk & Honey Granola.

[watches clip]

Camus is a pretty tough author to start him off with IMO.

This is an important story to report, because Hardy’s brother was in the driver’s seat. Talking to the media is not important, especially when there are unsolved crimes for the Hardy boys to investigate.

I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the massive amounts of money I made playing a fake position.

Are you seriously truthering the Spurs? That's hilarious.

True Grantland fans know what you mean

“Grantland distinguished itself with quality writing, smart ideas, original thinking and fun, so it has no place within ESPN”

It’s concerning that everyone accepts rape as a normal part of prison life rather than an institutionalized problem that is largely ignored by prison administration and the press (unless it's a joke in a movie about not dropping the soap).

Of course anyone can be sued for anything by some random guy somewhere.

I think it was his stealth Catholicism. For as God said (in the Bible), when you pray Catholic prayers, go into your dirty Catholic back room and do it so nobody knows you’re doing it, then own the stage like a preacher.

Don’t sweat the difficulties, Albert. If we know one thing about gamers, it’s that they’re not particularly hypersensitive to any sort of direct or even indirect criticism about their hobby.


Public defenders usually have 90-120 clients at any given time. They give a shit, or they wouldn’t be working there. But it’s literally impossible for them to devote this kind of attention to each client. If that pisses you off, you should contact your representatives to allocate more funds and hire more public