
Hinkie already predicted you would type exactly this. He is hinkniscient.

Is that the Philly homer line now, that Hinkie in his infinite wisdom wouldn’t have taken the consensus #1 best player at the time if he had an opportunity to get the #1 pick? After all, he was well-known for his ability to sniff out which draft picks would have recurrent long-term injuries.

Maybe *you* need to put down the pipe. AOC beat Joseph Crowley, who was next in line after Pelosi to be the Dem speaker of the house! She’s also changing the *national narrative* on progressive taxation, the Green New Deal, and working class politics generally -- and yet you dismiss her as a “juvenile delinquent”? Do

Yeah, so Sanders has perhaps the largest proportion of PoC voter support out of any 2020 candidate, but sure, go ahead and erase them because they don’t share your centrist positions

Literally one of the biggest stories of the 2018 midterms was AoC, who went out to campaign with Sanders, who will most likely endorse

Sure wasn't this trip.

Yeah, take that Bor-Ass! Nice try getting the most money for your client from this Billionaire!

Nigeria is just one little country

Because that’s where black people in the West Indies came from Nigeria, or west Africa probably.

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

And a hero to people who deny discrimination happens or that diversity is a net positive for society.

Are there any good sites that explain strategy in terms of which pitch to throw in what types of situations? I know that each pitch is based on many factors, but are there general principles?


Hey, Kevin, how is Rocky, the brown, queer, well spoken taco truck owner looking ugly in this situation? Did you bother to read what he said, or are you just shitting on him in the name of “journalism”?

Pace of play is an interesting one. Getting players to play faster is, in my opinion, not at all something that needs to be dealt with. Other than the occasional glacially slow matchup between a slow pitcher and a batter with a very long routine between pitches, I’ve never been bored by players on the field taking

As someone who has loved baseball ever since Harry Chappas was thrown out trying to stretch a triple into a home run at Old Comiskey Park, sabermetrics and the technological revolution have sapped some of the wonder out of the game for me. As a young boy I spent days creating my own MicroLeague Baseball seasons discs

“We’ve been to many sporting events together, not just N.B.A. events. We’ve been to Mets games together. We took the subway. He really raves about the hot dogs.”