
I know you're joking.... but there's a discussion that should happen there. I grew up playing Gizmos and Gadgets and various spelling games and Sim City and with Legos and have since become a successful engineer. I wonder if anyone has tracked how kids who play educational/engineering games fare vs kids who played

That should be his next google bomb.

I just want to point this out. Between Iran and the US there happens to be a couple of oceans and about 5k miles.

Lol sorry to bring this back from the dead, but largely Earth's entropy. Gravity, the atmosphere, etc. retain most of the energy deposited onto the planet in the short term. Unless we decide to start using solar energy to power a laser that's shooting the moon, that is. I like where your head's at though haha.

They can take our input devices.... but they'll never have... OUR FREEDOM!!!!

Mostly what Donuts said. The thing is that even if sunlight is absorbed by a solar panel instead of the planet, it's still a part of Earth's entropy. It's not like the energy disappears or that we're "denying" the Earth energy.

I just heard today that in 2007 15,000 people died of Hep C, while 13,000 died of AIDs.

The laws of entropy would like to have a word with you.


I sorta imagine you could become very intelligent by watching Jersey Shore. And doing literally the opposite of everything they do.

I'm not sure this was advocating getting rid of keyboards... just mice?

I dunno. I like using my mouse for some games (RTS and shooters mostly... but I could conceive a touch based RTS working if thought out and I only use it for shooters because there is no way a player with a pad can keep up with a player with a mouse), but for Skyrim and everything else I use a 360 controller linked

So you're saying I could download 3 things to watch movies and feel superior, or 1 thing to watch movies and feel like I didn't waste my time and effort downloading 3 things to do what 1 thing does extremely well already...

Just because I haven't seen it on this thread yet, I just want to remind everyone:

I'm down with that. But can we make the next leper colony a little less like... paradise?

Hey man Vidikron's right. No reason to be mean to someone like that, especially for something they didn't do. He didn't say mercury in the MMR vaccine, he said vaccines in general.

The science is 100% on the link between not vaccinating and health problems. The risks associated with almost all vaccinations are completely negligible, except in rare circumstances mentioned by jack above. This has nothing to do with being fearful. This has everything to do with being willfully ignorant and

Hm... we could make a decision as a society and a global world to all vaccinate our kids and wipe out entire diseases like smallpox and polio.

Now playing

It's not the Amazing Race, but I think this needs to be on here anyway.