
It's the culture of spending. Yes, 5 bill out of 5 trill is small potatoes... but there is a lot of 5 bill charges in there that range from unnecessary to ass backwards. This falls somewhere in that mess of insanity.

I'm not sure what you're looking for. If you're talking about the series getting inventive, look at Halo Wars or ODST. If you're complaining about CoD comparisons, I would think it would be difficult for anyone.... ANYONE... to rightfully argue that any CoD since MW 1 had a story that was even as good as Halo 2's

Apparently by taking the "high road" and "not responding" by "responding" without any argument. Then, uncomfortable with a bs response, editing it to say... the same thing? I tip my hat to you, master of the internet.

So shoot the country. Wonderful military strategy having a whole bunch of carriers to protect a country turned to ash.

How do you incapacitate the fingers when the fingers are stealth submarines.

Because cops and individuals with guns are a perfect analogy for countries and nuclear weapons. And Japan surrendered quietly after the first nuclear bomb... oh wait.

... in 1945. Now we have these things called satellites and gps. Also that whole thing where you don't need to nuke ships and could just wipe out an entire population.

I think you're missing the point. Hitting a carrier group might be difficult, but eliminating every major city in the United States would only be the beginning. "Applying the nuke" is the end. Odds are, both you and I are dead. Everyone we know, vaporized or so poisoned from the radiation of thousands of nuclear

"But the industrial complex keeps us from needing to hand out even more food stamps."

Maybe not. But I am very clear on what a thermo-nuclear weapon can do.

Pretty sure you're the shortsighted one if you think a country with nuclear weapons gives a flying fuck about a boat with some wasps on it.

In America*

Instagram: $1 billion. Inflated, but maybe makes sense.

Capitalism doesn't really work. The idea is great, except it turns out to be totally vacuous.

Cus Dre has been wasting time hocking them instead of shipping Detox.

I agree that it's largely a semantic argument, since human societies have thus far failed to organize a legitimate communist state without fascism or fascist tendencies. However, the assumption that communism and fascism are a package deal is certainly incorrect. As I said, there are communistic systems that existed

I'm sorry, I don't think any economist or rational person will agree with you when you say that the communist government has nothing to do with the recent success of China.

I would argue that definition applies to a communist state, and Webster somewhat agrees by making your cut and paste the secondary definition. Either way, you're talking about a socio-economic system and only, at best, an implied governmental one.

China is about to become the largest economic power in the world. USSR competed with America (and won occasionally) for 30 years. The communism preached against in the 50s was as irrational as the TSA is today.