
Oh... well I mean there's more ways to choke a chicken. I'm talking some next level conspiracy nonsense. I imagine most "voter fraud" is not individual vote tampering but rather systematic tampering. Interesting article though.

It's far, far, farrrrrrrrr easier to target advertising online than it is to target it on broadcast TV.

That's what I was saying. Sorry it isn't super clear.

Ah 404. I would argue that the risk/reward ratio is extremely high. It's the most powerful office in the world. There are many people who could and do pay millions and millions of dollars to put someone in the presidency and other offices that is going to pander to their interests.

I understand this better than anyone probably I buy the infrastructure to drive SAAS, and I understand your point.

You beat me too it, you slippery snake.



Something I've always wondered is how the claim could be that there is very little voter fraud in America. I find that highly unlikely, given the combination of citizen apathy and general disrespect for the spirit of the law among the interested parties.

Well for a hipster, the Geo Metro is the Ferrari, and the Ferrari is like, the tool of the 1%, or whatever. Wanna go to American Apparel and then take pictures ironically?

My question is and has always been:

Agreed. But I don't even need an MMO Skyrim... I'd be happy with 2-4 player. Over the moon.

You take that back.

Ferrari? Bah. This Geo Metro with an ice cream cone for an ass is the one for me.

You missed a word. There's a gigantic difference between standardizing hardware and standardizing hardware interfaces. The former would be terrible and lock us into a world of 3.7" screens. The latter would ensure easier driver updates across a broad selection of components and would have nothing to do with the

I think you're missing my point. Think more along the lines of the differences between 2006 Apple and 2006 Countrywide.

He's trying to make embiggen his vocabulary.

Literally a million obvious solutions.

Maybe I don't care about credit. It doesn't seem to have gotten the >70% of recent college grads who are underemployed anywhere useful.