
I think you might have a small misunderstanding. DDOS != security breach. DDOS is like bashing a safe with a million jackhammers to the point that it is no longer recognizable as a safe... while the valuables are still totally secure because they aren't even stored in that safe, they're stored in another one far

Why doesn't anyone clap? I'd be so jacked that someone made my crappy commute infinitely better.

Wait... did you ban Ding-Dang?

So... Khan Academy now employs both Silverstein and John Resig, among others. I would expect some major things from them in the near future. Even if they are "competing" with Thrun at Udacity.

Haha. Thank's for justifying what I said... smallheads was right I totally had no idea what I was talking about... I was thinking of Amazon's PPE.

Wow... I was going to say amazing comment after I read the first couple of sentences and had to put my thoughts in perspective.

Are you using a thesaurus to construct your sentences? Your word choice is pretty poor.

ANYTHING to stop it from ruining the Steven Tyler's daughter, Ben Afleck, and Michael Bay threesome!

But she's leeeeeavin, on a .... horse.... for the undying lands.

Who's with me in shorting the hell out of Apple stock? PPE ratio is wayyy off now.

Literally none of your arguments make sense. I'm not even sure you meant to be arguing with me.

Yah... that isn't a problem. The problem is your metaphor is off. In a well formatted system, as a disk that can write much faster than it can read would have to be, you'd write by sectors or entire disks, meaning you'd only have to make sure the page is blank or that it can be overwritten before scribbling all over

Absolutely awesome. I was worried as hell that when FB went public, it would be beholden to shareholders who would make decisions based on immediate profit rather than the good of the platform, community, and future of the internet. Zuck buying back voting rights completely alleviates this concern.

I hate this syntactical argument because it is founded on the erroneous belief that "marriage" is a religious institution. It was originally and historically a legal one.

It's not moronic to claim someone is a homophobic bigot because they believe something that they don't believe in is wrong for no real reason other than it doesn't fit within their definition of marriage. You're still mixing up the Christian definition and the legal definition. As a person running for the highest

Nice. I posted more or less the same thing before I read yours.

I think you're the one getting all uppety.

I imagine something like this?

So maybe this isn't realistic right now... but I feel like part of this thing's problem is that it doesn't properly sense the terrain for each step. I feel like if it properly sensed each step, you could cut down on the energy use to stomp around like that, reduce the likelihood that it will stumble all over the

You're assuming that one disk is the bottleneck. Because of caching, disk arraying, etc. and the fact that the data may not be coming from a disk but rather from memory or cpu cache and therefore not be "reading" at all, the transfer to the writing disk could be very fast. I didn't do the math, but I'd imagine the