the big canadian

Man, this is a weird news story. Usually when I come here, it’s to read about all the great things president Trump has done for america. Like when he took office and immediately rose the minimum wage, joined bernie in pushing for single payer, volunteered his tax return immediately and revealed he didn’t pay any taxes

How wealthy control freaks can go to the most expensive schools in the world and not learn this lesson is something I marvel at every day.

If only someone could have anticipated someone coming to Vegas would carry a suitcase or a trunk.

Clearly this only thing that is going to prevent something like this from happening is for us, as a country, to double down and really dedicate ourselves to sending houghts and prayers.

“Well, well, well...if it isn’t the most diabolical haters this side of the Mississippi. What can I say about Buck Nasty’s suit that hasn’t already been said about Afghanistan? It looks bombed out and depleted. Then we have the so-called ‘Beautiful.’ Why don’t you click your heels together three times...and go back to

My guts after Taco Tuesday...

You know what you did, Canada.

And if you suck at level they should let it you skip it because your great-great-great-something-rather endured many years of hardship!

Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.

You support lifting the ban because you’re a bigoted fascist. Or a fascistic bigot. Whichever.

i too enjoy defying civil rights laws and explaining that’s just how it works

I really like the cars and coffee edition

America’s awesome, but I mean, we’re the greatest because we can post hate speech to Facebook? What kind of bar is that? Come on.


Just playing overnight and this morning, corpse explosion seems waaaay OP...and I love it and am totally ok with that! :) One explosion causes the next, and the next, until the entire screen is shaking with explosions. It’s fucking beautiful, and so much fun...

If you liked D3, you’re gonna love the necro!

I refuse to whitelist Kotaku because I remember having to watch a goddamn video just to get INTO the site.


Holy shit shut up.

What I think of Mike Milbury:

I watch so little hockey that I didn’t know who Mike Milbury was before I watched this series.