
No I live here it's really like that

There can be only one

Or maybe the original Elizabeth Tulloch died and the name became available.

It's also on channel π if you get that

Though the first season ends on Inauguration Day and AFAIK they haven't announced a second season.

Sure but I also think Wes Anderson should make all movies

"Papa Boyle" might be the grossest joke the show has ever done

It is funny, but Lost was funny too, and I think this show ends up closer to "mystery-driven drama, with jokes" than "regular network sitcom".

Is this show really even a comedy?

I'm putting my money on Nick Offerman

Yeah, because we've never been burned by that one before.

Andy Dwyer absolutely would have wanted to press that button.

The sad thing is that Amy Acker would have been a phenomenal Echo.

It's an anagram for 'Hell Sports'

At the risk of getting thousands of downvotes, I'm going to nominate Ghostbusters.

Cartoon Network: The time has come for another hiatus!
Rebecca Sugar: Ok, what episode should we end with? Stevonnie's? Pearl's?
Cartoon Network: **Onion's**
Rebecca Sugar: …

How many futures were shown in Winter Forecast? Was it a multiple of 3?

Now I'm wondering if they wrote the Mr. Frowney role for Alan Rickman.

The Gravity Falls journal has set a pretty high bar for that sort of thing.

I also like that Steven pulled the imaginary historical costumes for the Gems from that picture of Garnet punching a shark http://vignette2.wikia.noco…