
What the hell show have you been watching for two and a half seasons?

Also that thing is basically impossible to aim, unless the dragon happens to fly directly at you twice.

I really hope they're planning some kind of gotcha reveal that there was some super important strategic reason to take Casterly Rock last week, because otherwise Tyrion is just acting like a bumbling idiot this season.


That's one way of remembering it

It's his density.

Should be noted that this doomsday scenario actually (almost) happened:

Laeven? Stars?

This is heading towards a Steven/Lars fusion, isn't it?

Only if you consider fish fingers to be a type of fish

I wasn't able to make it, but heard the lines were hours-long.

I mean, unless that place is Florida.

Even worse it established Sherlock as this kind of huge celebrity who wasn't interested in taking the kinds of cases that Sherlock Holmes takes.

BRB, gonna reply to your reddit post with "Nice, you stole that from the AV Club comments"

I'm ok with it only because otherwise she absolutely would have been reduced to a prisoner strapped to a chair with a gun pointed at her in this episode.

You're way more optimistic than I am of The Good Place getting renewed

Huh? Every single glitch so far (beyond the ones that brought Fake Eleanor and Jason to The Good Place to begin with) has been the direct result of something bad she's done.

Have any of Jason's actions had negative consequences on the neighborhood? He mostly just hangs out in his room playing video games.

Looking on google I guess it's a Simpsons reference?

I mean, until she stole a train