
Or given the shape of the gem, White Peridot? :)

Odd that the journal doesn't mention the color of the lions, but Steven (who just rode in on a magical pink lion he got from his mom) imagines his mom with a bunch of normal tan lions. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This might be the closest they've ever come to a clip show. Well, besides Full Discosure.

"I kept expecting Peridot to poof, which would have been cool! (What would a reformed Peridot even look like? Do you think Peridot has ever had to reform?)"

I think this is the first time I've ever said it about SU, but the music in this episode was all wrong.

Also: Gems mostly exist on planets without organic life, so why would one of them even have plant powers?

Maybe, but we haven't seen any other Sapphires, and don't know what they're actually intended for.

Even if we assume that Rose's job in the Gem Army was field medic, it is a little suspicious that in addition to defensive/healing powers, she apparently also had plant powers, floating powers, telepathic powers (including full mind control), and spiky ball powers.

Dammit, It's been too long since we got a new fusion

He destroyed a TV with it back in episode 1

I like that Moody Amethyst is basically Onion

This episode gets nine Pearl Points

Jasper wants a power level that's OVER NINE THOUSAND

Buck is no longer pleased

If anyone knows how to help Amethyst get over her problem, it would be Peridot. Kindergarten technician is pretty much the job she was made for.

I look forward to Lesbian Couple With Kid becoming an integral part of Season 4.

Too soon!

Is the car dealership manager supposed to be the same guy as the hotel manager from Mr. Greg?

Remember when Steven took an entire 50 episode season to figure out how to use his shield power?