
It has to be that, right?

Because that's better

When you put it that way, that sounds *awesome*.

Wait, there's a warp pad right next to the barn? This makes no sense.

It was mentioned in the second paragraph

I think that dullness was probably intentional, to set up the dance-off gag.

He went on to have a successful acting and directing career

I mean, they sold away the rights to the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man, and they still managed to come up with heroes that people gave a shit about.

He wasn't, but he acts as a metaphor for abusive, controlling exes.

I feel like Tyrion's motivation was pretty clear: He's been obsessed with dragons since he was a kid. The chance to see two of them in the flesh is worth the risk of being burnt alive.

This assumes there was an actual plan.

I mean, probably he was expecting to have more time to teach her than he ended up having?

I honestly think I would have liked the Dorne arc of last season far better if it had ended with the events of this episode.

It really is a shame that they already wasted Chris Parnell on some stupid bit role.

Mainly that when the characters keep a static angle to the camera, you can reuse a lot of the art from one frame for the next, changing minor facial expressions and lip syncing.

In "The Hall of Egress", where he has to keep his eyes closed for months at a time to escape

How many times do weird magic things happen to Finn's eyes this season before we start calling it a pattern?

I figured the snowman was just there to demonstrate that the room resets every time.

Hey at least we finally have a date

What's funny is, Garnet knew she was going to do that, but decided to catch Greg rather than stopping her or telling her that he can't fly.