
Now I'm wondering whether they come up with the pun episode names first, and work out the plot from there.

Yeah, but who did it better?

Dramas are just dramedies with shitty jokes

I also like that they went to the effort to draw and then pixelate Hang Gliding Rick's junk.

I'm not looking for judgement, just a yes or a no: can you assimilate a giraffe?

"Way to go Summer, you started a race war."

If the rumor of the show ending after the second season is true, I'd expect the parents to be part of the end game.

At this point I assume Disney is making Alex Hirsch draw each frame by hand

What is the sound of One Die Clicketing?

They need to stop killing off their best characters.


Can't she just shapeshift back into a form with two feet?

"Don't you Gems have anything better to do than annoy me?"

Isn't it a statue of the Garnet/Amethyst/Pearl/Rose fusion? It's got six arms and gems on the hands/chest/forehead/belly.

Wouldn't he have had to give up his form/gem in the same way Rose did?

Onion's family has at least three members, and likely a fourth. Those paintings could be anybody's.

I thought it was pretty funny that the Keystone state nickname is "The Great State"

Why do you think he lives in a van?

Imagine if the Uncle Grandpa episode had been scheduled here instead of earlier this season.