
I can't tell if it's just the Gems doing it, or the show itself.

I googled them and didn't find anything.

Ehh, Jasper seemed pretty uninterested in taking Peridot's orders.

Rhymes with deleted? I've got nothing.

If you look closely, Pearl goes in for the kiss, Rose turns her face away, and then they fuse.

Good morning, ART!

I'll tell you when you're older

Don becoming Archer's father would be pretty much my perfect ending.

Wouldn't it be funny if GRRM actually finished all seven books 20 years ago and is just fucking with us?

I kind of want a flashforward to Don dying in the late 90s, friendless and alone.

Don't forget Captain America, briefly.

When it happens often enough that it becomes commonplace, *then* we can start talking about "treat people equally" ideals. Until then, I see no problem praising progress.

They will hook up the minute this show's ratings slump.

Kevin Smith sounded like a guy doing a bad Kevin Smith impersonation.

Vote: "Stranger In A Strange Land" or "Exposé"

To be fair, a weak season of Arrested Development is still better than most seasons of most sitcoms.

Ok, I never really put together until now that Mike O'Malley from Nickelodeon was Kurt's dad on Glee.

Maybe thats where Don knew her from

Hopefully next season