You know what? They could expand on the emotes easily. Here's how.
You know what? They could expand on the emotes easily. Here's how.
what about the spike in stress when you're on a roll and the casual game cockblocks you by saying you have to give them cash to continue?
If it was compacted, sure. But being filled with air changes its density. Very possible to get injured, and almost a certainty that they would get knocked over.
well we have to say. There's no casual game. Just casual gamers. Because we can have a casual dark soul player and a hard core candy rush.
I'm so glad i'm not the only one thinking this.
LBP3 is so iterative that I could see it being very meh if you found the other ones meh.
So apparently you didn't actually have to "moderate the shit out of" it? Pardon me for feeling like that was mostly rhetoric then, designed to once again frame everyone else in the discussion as the bad guys.
Kotaku is fine. I don't see any wrongdoing, and I for one appreciate your coverage of this particular aspect of gaming.
I don't think you have a grasp on what comment moderation is. It's the removal of comments that involve personal attacks, threats, etc. Or graphic images. It has nothing to do with claims of "censorship", as you can see in both threads by looking at the variety of comments and opinions that are still there.
They really have fallen behind when it comes to developer relations. There's no way they can get the same AAA games as the other big two without having a more powerful console, which means pricing themselves out of the market for kids and families, but they easily could be getting a lot more support from smaller devs,…
Hardcore gamers? They actually spend money and are loyal. Bought persona 3 and 4. Will buy persona 5. Sight unseen
QUOTE | “We help complete a puzzle that already had plenty of pieces in place." - Matthew DiPietro, VP of Marketing for Twitch, discussing why his company fits perfectly with its new owners at Amazon.
As far as I've read she slept with her boss, is dating a writer AFTER he wrote one article where she was only a small part of it, cheated on her ex boyfriend and may have been responsible for getting a pretty neat feminist game project canceled. Of all that I only find the last one to be of some interest to…
Your grandma fucking rules, kiss her on the cheek for me next time you see her.
Also, selling a clone of someone else's game with colorful birds drawn into it is much harder to get away with on a console.
QUOTE | “It's kind of a passive attitude they're taking, and to me it's kind of a pathetic thing.” - Legendary Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto explaining why Nintendo isn't going to try to make games specifically for a casual audience like they used to on the Wii.
Your grandmother is a fine woman with refined taste good sir.
STAT | $13.3 billion – The total for worldwide tablet gaming sales by 2019, according to the firm Juniper Research; the figure would represent a threefold increase over 2014's expected $3.6 billion.
QUOTE | “It's kind of a passive attitude they're taking, and to me it's kind of a pathetic thing.” - Legendary Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto explaining why Nintendo isn't going to try to make games specifically for a casual audience like they used to on the Wii.
QUOTE | “Consoles seem extremely rigid and limited in terms of what you can actually do as a developer.” - Former Rovio games division head and Remedy co-founder Petri Jarvilaehto talking about why he thinks mobile, not console, is “the most exciting area to work in games right now.”