
Honestly, I think it is less “misunderstood” and more “stuff that got cut in development hell”

“Freedom Dawg Games” reads to me as “We took an IQ test and it came back negative”.

At this point, Kotaku is just looking for excuses to post Baldur’s Gate 3 articles so readers are forced to continuously see your OC bald avatars.

In both of my Baldur’s Gate 3 playthroughs, I was frequently annoyed with how the game would sometimes have one of my party members handle a conversation as opposed to my custom main character. This happened at random times, and not getting to use my protagonist in those conversations felt like it decentered him and

Even if that were true, it would make her the opposite of a white savior because she isn’t actually saving anyone. If anything, the game could be seen as a critique of the white savior trope.

How do you feel about warner brothers selling dvds of their WWII propaganda films? They have a near identical disclaimer at the start of the films as listed here.

It was never that exciting dude. It was the boring ac counter based combat but on the deck of a ship

Hey say it as many times as you want, it’s a stupid thing to say once, might as well double down.

Both the trailer subtitles and the playstation blog called them “Naytibas,” not sure where “NA:tives” came from (although that still of course seems like it came from the word “natives)

I’ve played pretty much every beta and here’s my opinion:
Core game play is pretty fun, BUT, there’s loads and load and loads and loads of what I hesitate to call “bloat”; things that feel unnecessary but surprisingly deep and fleshed out.
1. Ship building and customization is hella rewarding, which makes the

They did the never-expire Battlepasses for Halo Infinite and depending on how it’s done, it’s not necessarily a good thing. The amount of time to clear a battlepass for that game was pretty high for my kid (they stopped bothering after realizing they were playing not for fun but to get their quota each day - a

Tacked-on anything is bad, obviously, but investigating something early on, and considering how it will work with things is the opposite of tacked-on.

you don’t HAVE to do everything on your only playthrough

My advice going into GotG is to treat it more like a party-based RPG than a shooter. Yes, your character has guns and you aim and shoot them but they’re more for finishing enemies off than anything else. The bulk of your damage comes from combos with the rest of the squad. Your team is your primary weapon, not your

I don’t know. I feel like, at its very core, there’s a fundamental lack of interesting things to discover in Starfield that no amount of “improved traversal options” can fix.

there used to be something like that...but people complained about Valve “Gatekeeping” they changed it to $100 and you can put up your game.

fully functional metro

My Guess would be to time gate things, slow progression a bit, but to also eliminate your character from becoming overpowered early on.

Skyrim has the better world design (because it actually has design in the first place,) and is, honestly, prettier even without mods. So, it feels cozier.

I really wish publishers would move back to doing this sorta thing, especially on PC. CDRed has done great physical releases up to this point. The original 2077 PC release had some nice physical stuff (no additional base cost from digital), but even that was slimmed down compared to Witcher’s 2 and 3.