Well you did seem totally unaware of what the article was about when you made your criticisms above.
Well you did seem totally unaware of what the article was about when you made your criticisms above.
I’m not sure you understand that this article is about Range Rovers, and not about Grand Wagoneers.
I saw the ad when I was on my break, and was confused. Watched it again, and I’m still confused. I have no idea what the fuck this combination of words and images is trying to tell me, what it has to do with buying trucks or anything.
Tarantino has long struck me as a wannabe hell raiser film maker. Being a badass, breaking the rules, bucking the system... like an H.B. Halicki sort, except of course he has the money and studio backing and popularity, and has no excuses to take chances with anybody’s safety or mental well being. He’s a jerkass and a…
I’m not the one setting up a straw man here. I’m also not a simpleton.
Sure, but I’m more reacting to comments here and elsewhere, where the non-sequitur seems to be that one can’t be praised for doing one very specific thing, if they’ve done something bad somewhere else in their life. It’s just very tiring to see such bad logic being propped up, when we’re already dealing with officials…
This is a really silly argument, you seem to be laboring under the wrong-headed notion that somebody cannot be criticized for doing one thing, if they’ve been awarded for doing another thing. This is, frankly, among the stupidest attitudes being propagated online today. People who push this kind of illogical nonsense…
Except... it doesn’t.
I’m not sure why we cannot award a man for what he did to push technology and advance an entirely new market, while simultaneously criticizing him for personally acting like a creep? Like is this really too hard for people to grasp? That there are multiple facets to human beings? That praising somebody for doing one…
And getting an award for making video games /= being award for being a creep. Not sure why this is a difficult thing for people to grasp. He’s not magically going to be beyond criticism just because he gets an award.
He’s not getting award for being a cad in the 1970's. He’s getting an award for working on video games. Holy shit, this is not rocket science. Him having an award for video games does not make him magically immune from criticism about his personal creepiness.
I’m not sure I care.
mind = boggled
Apparently, the train and tracks are equipped for PTC... it just wasn’t turned on.
It’s actually a pretty difficult thing to do, you have relatively speaking, very little power at hand to get the train moving, keep the train moving, slow the train or stop the train. It requires thinking miles in advance for upcoming gradients, curves, weather, etc.
I’m not sure why Automatic Train Control, which has existed and been in use for DECADES was not implemented on this train/section of track. What were they thinking?