Woody Allen is a creepy weirdo for sure, but I still don’t understand all the glee in demonizing and harassing people who’ve worked with him. What exactly is the point of all this again? It’s not going to make Allen any less of shitbag.
So you do realize that it’s been a long time right? I’m wondering if you’re familiar with a concept known as “change”? It tends to happen over time.
How old were you 40 years ago?
You have no room to call anybody else on the internet stupid.
Try reading the article at least once.
Did you read the article or look at the photo of the intersection?
Did you not read the article?
Dumb question, but is there a good reason a wishbone set up cannot provide the wheel travel/articulation of a solid axle? In a direct comparison between stock set ups, does the old solid G Wagon axle have quantifiable advantages over the new independent set up? Have Steyr/Mercedes published any tech specs comparing…
The primary point of any business is to offer a product or service. Making money is a direct (and necessary) byproduct of doing this successfully.
The Lane museum has a Trojan RE which uses a duplex 2-stroke in the rear (non supercharged), you should see if it is driveable, and do a video about it.
I’ve driven through california several times, from the south through the north, and they’re not as bad as Texans by a long shot.
Really? How did you feel about the ubiquitous Texas habit of just pulling out in front of people, even on 50 and 60 mph roads? Drivers here are complete shit.
For 12 years. Texas is about forty hundred thousand million times worse.
Not at all. The great thing about all these Californians moving to Austin is we’re getting better drivers.
Please, reference the video in the original post, then tell me how many times you’ve seen that in Maryland.
You won’t have to, if you’ve ever lived in Texas.
People in Texas don’t know how to drive in the rain. Or in the sun. Or at all really. Of all the states I’ve lived in, the drivers here really are the worst (and I’ve even lived in Georgia).
I read the title, read the story, and then reread the title. The title seems just, very faintly, hyperbolic. You know, with people like Weinstein, Victor Salva, etc, around Hollywood.