“See, here’s the thing - if I decide not to wear a seatbelt, I’m the one who faces the consequences in a wreck.”
“See, here’s the thing - if I decide not to wear a seatbelt, I’m the one who faces the consequences in a wreck.”
Why should I be paying for the roads you use? Ridiculous!
why not
Racing teams should all adopt mascots who do cartwheels and silly dances, just like sports teams do. Just hopefully, not racist ones, like sports teams do.
Flow through ventilation, do you even?
NEVS wouldn’t have anything to do with that. They don’t own the trademark, don’t distribute any parts, have nothing to do with Saab dealers anywhere.
I would guess, most people would see that Allen hasn’t molested anybody since, and figure they’re not enabling him in anyway by putting food on their table by either acting in, shooting, editing, or projecting his movies.
Wait, since when has Woody been a “powerful Hollywood director”? Aside from the fact that he has almost never actually worked in Hollywood, I thought he was a joke in Hollywood? He has made countless terrible movies, and all of his few good ones were made like a half century ago before he was marrying his girlfriend’s…
People who’re always thinking of ways to scam others, are always paranoid about being scammed.
Why is this 92 year old woman having old fashioned ideas?
Wait, are we supposed to be mad at Katy Perry, or mad at China. Because Taiwan is awesome.
So now, let me guess one of the three dies in every episode on their way to the tent?
Ladas kill more cars than they save.
This is maybe a good example of people who don’t really appreciate art, having a misunderstanding of the free interplay of signs and signifiers, appropriation, re-purposing, etc in art. Further, it’s a video game. Not only does it not need to address these issues, it would probably be one of the worst mediums for…
A lot of early front wheel drive cars had 0 scrub radius. Citroen DS, and SAAB 96, for example. Having owned a 96, I can say it gives more steering feedback than most cars. However, the self centering effect is weak at slow speeds.
Here’s everything I know: https://www.avclub.com/jen-kirkman-sets-the-record-straight-on-louis-ck-and-th-1818543488
State inspection in Texas is like $7. They just check the tires, brakes, lights, horn, wipers, seatbelts, and a few other elementary matters pertaining to public safety on the roads. It works insofar as everybody has to pay attention to the state of their vehicle at least once a year. Some people want to get rid of…
That is pretty much how it is discussed already. I may be mistaken, but I think Thomas Sowell has even called poor black people “black rednecks” and chalked up their plight to laziness, drugs, etc. etc. as a sort of way to erase their particular hardships and get the public to think of disadvantaged black folks as…
All I know is what you guys keep bringing up when you’re out of better ideas for earning a paycheck. But if there is more out there, trust me, I’d be taking ghoulish delight in learning of it.