
One wonders if google would be around at all today, if they gave up on search engines after only one year.

You would love my very characterful SAAB wagon, I think.

Well then I must’ve misread you, as it seemed to me that you were suggesting contraceptives, sex ed, family planning, were all tainted by a long dead woman’s wrong-headed notions, and therefore bad. Rather than just saying Sanger herself did bad things.

Except here you go with the red herring again. What you’re saying is akin to saying that heroin, because it was invented with a practical, medical goal in mind, shouldn’t be considered a dangerous drug - disregard that in reality it’s addictive and kills - it’s the inventor’s intention that really matters!

Sanger’s views aren’t inherently tied up in birth control though. I really struggle to understand people who fall for such an obvious red herring.

Thanks, apparently not-Japanese person for explaining Japanese noodles.

Why are we still giving this poop seconds of our lives attention.

It’s got mag wheels and EFI, obviously they love you very much.

When we get back to white history year, I want to hear his words on John Brown.

Ok, give some numbers then... even some rough ones.

Go pee your pants more.

I’m sorry, you keep citing your imagination, whereas I am looking at actual figures from the real world. Why is that so upsetting to you?

Looking into my own state’s finances seems to suggest you’re not taking into account the full cost of operating roads. If 100% of my state’s (Texas) vehicle sales taxes and gasoline taxes went into the highway fund they still couldn’t meet the budget just for keeping the highways open, not without federal cash anyway

Oh? And where is your proof?

Earth to Miles, Earth to Miles... everybody gets taxed indirectly for most things.

You’re the only one that doesn’t understand how taxes or general funds work. And still refuse to believe a plain fact that a city can, and has, funded a transit system without taxing motoring. As is typical, for your sort, any time facts show you to be wrong you just ignore them and act like the whole world must be

You’ve been out of elementary school for like, a year! How dare your pennies get spent on it.

I think you’re just mad that transit can be funded without taxes taken from motoring. Even though most of those car/fuel/whatever taxes go into a general fund, and were never, in any sense meant to pay for roads specifically.

What does that sentence have to do with anything? You’re not even attempting to make sense, or you’ve entirely misunderstood what I wrote.

What a wonderful state, filled with beautiful people.