
I just pointed out an instance where tax payers voted to use sales tax to successfully fund a transit project, and you soiled yourself. I gave a fact, you gave nothing.

Point me to the time I said the motorcar has to be replaced by mass transit. You’ve lost so bad you’ve resorted to telling me I’ve written things I didn’t write.

Interesting that many companies worked fine until private vehicles and heavily subsidized trucking took their business...

Why not? Do you assume everybody is a stupid asshole that wants to see their city choke to death? Denver’s voters approved an increase in sales tax to fund their light rail system (which works beautifully, by the way, I can attest, having lived in Denver before the system, and visited many times after it was put into

Yeah if you believe in propaganda that slants it that way.

I’m even going to read your whole post because the first few sentences indicate an astonishing degree of ignorance. Retail taxes generally go into a GENERAL FUND. That’s not unusual or some conspiracy that only a complete dumbass would think is slanted against motorists.

I suppose you have no political agenda then, oh righteous one.

You need to hit the history books again...

I understand it. You don’t seem to be the one that understands how taxes work, possibly even what taxes are.

I understand it. You don’t seem to be the one that understands how taxes work, possibly even what taxes are.

My assessment is based of real world experiences, both historical, as well as current, as well as those experienced first hand when I lived in Denver. I remember the city before light rail, and I experienced it after, and all I can say is thank goodness a bunch of nincompoops didn’t get their way and stall building

And tax generated from things totally unrelated to roads are also used to fund roads - so what exactly is your point?

Which hypothesis? The one about automated vehicles, or the fact that electric rail transit gets cheaper as ridership increases?

If you look at Germany, for example a substantial sum is raised from tolls imposed on trucking. Which is kind of interesting as regards this topic here, because in the U.S. some railroads operated profitably, returning dividends every year for a century or more (which is frankly astonishing for any business) - until

More likely, mass transit will really take off. Small autonomous vehicles aren’t an efficient use of space or energy, nor could they ever be considered the end-all, be-all solution to traffic and accessibility in cities.

The funny thing is this: the railroads operated profitably, in some cases companies paying dividends every year for over a century straight - until interstates were built and offered extremely subsidized competition. And now people shit themselves when somebody asks that the railroads get a few bucks too.

You do realize that fuel taxes only cover a portion of the building and upkeep of public roads, right?

Not understanding what a light hearted joke is has gotten so sooo old.