
We have a lot of people who’ll never accept it, no matter how well it works. I remember people being really angry about light rail being built in Denver. But the thing is, nobody could actually make a good argument against it other than that it “costs money!!!!!!!”. Then it got built, worked brilliantly, but still

Maybe your city just doesn’t know how to make the system run right. Light rail coming to Denver was the greatest thing that happened during the 12 years I lived there. I could drive to the station, take the train downtown, walk to work - in literally half as much time as it would have taken to drive the whole way. And

Have 90 people pointed out “lightning” yet?

So the obvious solution then is to not change things to make them work, but fall deeper into the hole of doing things we already know don’t work?

Yeah, but you get on the road and all those rude and inconsiderate people are now driving cars like complete assholes and running into your property or killing people. So there’s not really much advantage there.

White flight: blame white people for moving out of the city.

As opposed to public roads which run on a profit?

Sounds a lot like you’ve never tried it.


I don’t know how people can write that, given the Miata is freakishly ugly in its current iteration.

Which means what exactly?

Ok, so have fun with these results of short term success: long term failure.

Heck 1950 wasn’t even like the 1950 we/they imagine it was.

Somebody remind me about how Hillary won over the south again.

I still don’t understand how anybody is stupid enough to believe that a guy who lives at the top of a skyscraper and had millions of dollars handed to him on a silver platter, is somehow capable of “understanding” normal Americans. How fucking stupid are these self described “middle americans” to believe something so

I always thought the Titanic sank when the Hindenburg crashed into it.

Porsholaylay is wrong?

Lived in Denver for 12 years... one inch of snow in Seattle is a lot more dangerous than one foot of snow in Denver. Mostly because Seattle is hilly and the streets suck.

I agree. But then again, as Samantha suggests, it might be people care more about grandstanding than about the crime against her. Although I think it’s good that other rapists or potential ones see that you don’t get to brush it off just because you get old, I also agree with her point of view.

Old news: Samantha Geimer doesn’t care.