
wat r u tryin to say here

Maybe it’s because he’s black.

They may be angry, but at least they’re not a complete moron.

Yes, you can trust the guy who cheated on his wives, molests women and brags about it, and makes spurious, grandiose claims, with not a shred of evidence to back them up.

I didn’t think 10 year olds were allowed to vote...

I can’t imagine anybody taking it seriously when they vote for somebody with zero experience relating to the job.

Were’t they made into the 70s in Greece? I’m sure somebody’s around that must built them. If not, there’s probably people around who sold them.

I think a documentary just about the license built ones would be interesting enough. If enough info could be found out.

I would watch that.

It’s not really a “mistake” if they made the choice on purpose.

Psychoanal... wait what am I reading here?

This is getting draining. I need to recharge.

They don’t makes snakes like they used to.

more snake like, but still not really the same thing

I’m not so sure about that. I don’t think we have a vehicle analogue to a snake.

What about snakes?

I can’t imagine any other job where you’d think, after being fired for giving somebody a sandwich filled with actual shit, “Hey I still deserve this job!”.

Brush it off, don’t be such an armature.

We wouldn’t want anybody to be disapunted.

VW wanted us to believe that anyway.