
Austin, TX is filled with G wagons. They’re fuckin’ everywhere. To the point I don’t think people even notice them anymore. I was at the park once unloading my bike from the Saab 96, next to a G wagon, had three different people ask about the Saab, nobody even noticed the G wagon. But then again it always had a sort

The problem is one of the first things a ham-fisted home mechanic is liable to screw up on an old VW is the cooling system. People just remove the thermostats or parts of the cooling tin and are too lazy to put it back together after f’n around with the engine. So many of these cars get messed up by people who’ve

Not to kick a car while it’s down, but this Volkswagen is having a monumentally hard time doing what any old car should be able to do. Even though I had almost non-stop electrical troubles with my Subaru 360, it did eventually make it cross country, and it had essentially been neglected since the mid 1980s.

Strangely enough, I was reading a mid 1960s article about that time some police in Connecticut crashed some big huge 1950s American cars into Renaults and beetles to prove how unsafe small cars were.

A bunch of Monte Carlo winners said so.

Real SAAB content.

Yeah,because it’s so exhaust letting other people be other people, and not standing on top of them to force your personal point. Yikes.

You’re right, because popularity always equals validity. Have fun.

The key is making somebody feel like they’re crazy, in order to manipulate them. Making somebody question their thoughts and feelings in order to generate a desired reaction is the same thing, and even if it weren’t it’s still emotionally abusive. The method for getting somebody to doubt their own feelings and actions

Nah, I’ve got PTSD from an experience with violent assault, and I’m pretty sure the word girl doesn’t trigger anything for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Devalue what you said? My fucking ass. You replied to me before I replied to you. I made my comment to show why I feel the way I feel. You’re giving your spiel to devalue what I said. You’re absolutely a wonderful person.

It is if you’re trying to get somebody to think they must be crazy for not thinking the way you do.

No, you can shut up. Writing as somebody who’s been sexually assaulted three times (not counting random butt grabs from drunk people) and having each circumstance be completely different, and my feeling about each being completely different - people who stand on top of victims to shout over them about how outraged

It’s right where east austin transitions into “middle of nowhere”. There should be plenty of street parking.

Well given Osama and Hitler are already dead...

The religious right isn’t going anywhere until religion is gone. Religion is the easiest way to simultaneously control and pander to people, so it’ll always be the go-to tool for politicians of one sort or another.

The whole point of the cartoons was that Pepe was gross... like how does anybody miss that?

I think it’s up to the person to decide whether or not to make a big deal out of it. I hate that so many cultures have been brainwashed into making sure their outrage is heard over that of any of the people involved.