
I’m always surprised by the general population’s lack of knowledge of, and sensitivity to mixed race people.

You generally don’t hear the term mestizo unless you live in a Spanish speaking country, or a country that was once controlled by Spain.

We got the 1300 G, it was sold for one year here when the 1100 was discontinued in our market, but the Leone based model hadn’t shown up yet. I’ve actually seen one in a junkyard in Colorado.

So you’re saying you’re backhandedly a white supremacist?

There’s a guy in town with a Renault R8, he repairs French cars. You should go interview him and drive some rear engined Frenchies.

Aw, what a cute story :3c

As a bi-guy I’ve had women comment on how clean and trim my areas are, and I don’t even take that much care of them. If makes me shudder thinking about what most straight guys must be like below the belt.

Here’s the best advice I can give: don’t let your lover’s dirty fucking mouth close to your V-hole. Seriously, their bad breath germs will wreak havoc down there, and it’s not worth the risk no matter how good they think they are at oral.

Damn Patrick, I know how to ride a bicycle, and I’ve seen roller skates in action and even touched one. I also know what the J in Frank J. Sprague is for, so I don’t think anybody else is going to be better suited to explaining electric transportation and alternatives, like a slightly less sexy, American James May.

Gawker exploded, that’s what happened.

Looks more like hot air some supercilious oaf is bleating out to impress themselves with how much more sensitive they are than the people who like things they don’t like.

So literally, there is no real problem here.

You’re the one acting like a cartoon butt has destroyed civilization. Lighten up.

This is a sock puppet account isn’t it? You might not want to respond to people with exact same sentences while using different accounts...

Throwing out the red herring so easily? Good. Now I know I don’t have to waste time on this fool.


Your argument has no nuance at all. It’s scary that people like you think they know better than everybody else. Holy shit. Why don’t you go campaign for the reinstatement of the comstock laws, and ban condoms while you’re at it.

You said French work keeps sex separated from other types of stories, which is the exact opposite of simply admitting sex is a thing. It’s also not really true. Even the French movie The Bear has a bear sex scene, because what they hell, bears have sex so why not? 

The primary purpose of fiction is to create something which cannot/does not exist in reality. Fiction is derived from reality in that an author has to start from a perspective they’re familiar with, but that does not necessarily mean fiction is inherently a reflection of reality, and it definitely does not mean that

Here we go, the defense of cultural imperialism. Those foreign savages cannot save themselves from cartoons, so we must impress our ideals and morals on them for their own sake.