
Some cultures around the world are not as frightened of bodies and sex as Americans are. While this leads to examples of hypersexualized nonsense, it also leads to more realistic depictions of relationships and sex in media. Instead of the weird bullshittery we’re constantly subjected to in U.S. media, which is almost

Remember the last few chapters of 1984?


That’s cute.

Somebody with ties to Gawker talks about professionalism, immediately after writing a pointless clickbait hack article. That’s real fucking rich. I’ll be laughing about this every time I think about it.

He killed them with a gun while they were asleep?

“When everyone is driving a very different speed, that’s when you get accidents.”

Are you sure he’s talking about a hurricane, and not dongle puns?

Hmmm. Seems like it would.

I’ve always thought it weird that cops will go crazy when they see an import breaking some arcane lighting law, but won’t bat an eye at somebody in a lifted truck for breaking the same lighting laws and more.

They should just release the video, it’d probably be easier to identify that way.

It’s weird seeing Police wearing real hats these days.

Why is this old not very interesting article trending?

New guideline: Anybody who writes an article about Kardashians also has to write one article about Dom Deluise.

Sounds like a great premise for a movie. Although probably not going to be seen by many, as history isn’t important these days it seems, and facts are just inconveniences.

Let’s find out. Ask Jordan Sargent if he’s an asshole.

Of course. Everybody in these comments who doesn’t like it is obviously a black person.

“This art makes me uncomfortable and therefore is evil and art is bad!” 

Yes, but the worst thing art can be is boring. I don’t think this particular art is good, by my personal standards. But it can’t be entirely bad since people are talking about it. If it is upsetting people, then it cannot be entirely bad either, because that means people are thinking about it, at least on some level,