
You don’t personally like it, therefore it is bad. I see.

The very idea of “post-conceptual” art is still a concept. In any event, as so many people are discussing this art and thinking about it, if only on the shallowest levels, the artist has at least done one thing: made it interesting. Which is more than most artists accomplish.

Sure, but if we set the most basic of standards “is it interesting?” we’ll have to admit that standard is entirely subjective. And even by that basic standard, this work must be interesting if it is stirring up so much discussion and making so many people mad.

Two major schools of thought expressed in these posts:

Art is basically any work that has a meaning beyond what is superficial. Which is why superficial people are often confused by and mad at art.

Yes, but what’s bad or good is entirely subjective. Art like most everything has no intrinsic value, but unlike other things there is no agreed upon arbitrary standard by which to quantify the goodness of art. There’s no art measuring tape one can whip out and go “definitely, this is a good art” with.

Any good work of art lets the audience project their own thoughts onto the piece. There is no intrinsic value, only what the audience assigns it. The biggest mistake an artist can make is trying to satisfy the weak minded with apologies or explanations. If one thinks the art is offensive, that is entirely on them, not

In this post we learn Stassa Edwards hates art and artists. Next up, Rush Limbaugh explains why he doesn’t “get” modern art.

I was thinking maybe it was to keep water from flowing back into the cooling tin?

This beetle was just on ebay and sold for a lot of monies.

You should have started this with a disclaimer that you’re writing from the perspective of a vintage BMW driver, and most likely all other old cars will be more dependable.

No, the real best part about this is I’m not reading anything Adam Corolla is writing, because I don’t care what he thinks in the first place.

Crashing my Ferrari should be a euphemism for something. 

ok, will do.

ok, will do.

David Spade once talked about how great Norm MacDonald is. But complained about how Norm never hangs out with him and is just a shut in. Then I heard Adam Corolla say almost the exact same thing. Eventually I heard a few other “celebs” say similar things about Norm. And I finally figured something out: Norm doesn’t

Anytime the primary justification of somebody’s success is “well they made a lot of money!” it’s usually an indication they’re a huge douche. Televangelists make a lot of money too. That doesn’t make them great people.

“If you’re not familiar with Adam Carolla, he’s the stupid asshole who’s made millions talking out his ass about subjects he knows nothing about to people even more clueless than he is.”

Several of my favorites came about during my cross country trip in a subaru 360. But this oval window VW is, as a photograph, maybe the best. For the perfect color, exposure, and soft boke’ effect.

How is it not news?
