
In 1996 I was very happy to get a "hex-spin" CD-ROM drive to replace my old 2x drive.
I got my first burner in 2005 but I think the prices had been dropping for awhile before that.

In 1996 I was very happy to get a "hex-spin" CD-ROM drive to replace my old 2x drive.
I got my first burner in 2005 but I think the prices had been dropping for awhile before that.

I like the one where Joe is uptight and Brian is a free spirit and they learn a valuable lesson about each other.

I like the one where Joe is uptight and Brian is a free spirit and they learn a valuable lesson about each other.

Who, Don McLean or Pauly Shore? Or both?

When I was getting frustrated with Witcher III's combat system I would play Diablo III for awhile. Or when I'm on the phone with my parents listening to them bicker.

Danny Boy, Miller's Crossing.

Or Dr. Breen's opening monologue from Half Life 2. "You have chosen, or been chosen to relocate to City 17"

I just moved from rural Vermont to suburban Burlington (New North End, yo!) and I love having the ice cream truck go by. It's Saturday afternoon, I've been doing chores all day and here comes the ice cream man! Damned awesome.

And one of his descendants gave up his life to plant phony information for The Shadows to find. "We live for the one, we die for the one!"

For God's sake, don't these people ever watch Cops, or even C.O.P.S.? If you're doing something illegal, don't speed!

"This is a two-part question: one, what does Lisa look like naked and two, what does Lisa feel like naked?"

I like the Newsradio episode where they have to vote for Dave or Lisa to be boss but neither Dave nor Lisa wants the job. Mr. James makes them at least attempt to campaign so Dave says things like, "A vote for me is a vote for no more free sodas in the break room!"

Hey, Charmaine Sinclair is high maintenance.

I just watched the 90's version the other day. It's pretty awful.
Mimi Rogers has ample bosoms.
I hope Gary Oldman got paid well.

My layups go "kawoosh" but that's because I shoot them through the unstable vortex of a Stargate.

Too bad they couldn't have done this a year ago.

I always feel a little bit bad for the actors who were on these shows and this was going to be their big break. Their agent was probably saying, "You'll be starring with Jackie Mason! This will be huge!" and then the show went nowhere and so did their career.
Of course, Tom Selleck had seven failed pilots under his

I had a wicked crush on Jennifer Grey in this, Red Dawn and most especially Dirty Dancing.
Didn't care for It's Like, You Know…

Is Patton more, less or about as physically attractive as Frank?