
I'm always a little confused about the relationship between Zenimax and Bethesda. Is it like the relationship between Sierra and Valve when the original Half Life was released?

I wondered that myself. I always thought "The Wanderer" was about having lots of cheap sex with random, willing women. But the singer does treat each of them as individuals with a personhood all their own.

I thought they were kidnapped by aliens from the Delta Quadrant.

I'd finally have time to farm crafting materials.

I disagree with you, therefore I'm an idiot. Now tell me how fucking tolerant you are. If you can do so without parroting hackneyed Marvel catchphrases so much the better.

Which is the side that's engaging in violent political rhetoric? The side with Kathy Griffin or the side with Alex Jones?

Maybe both sides are to blame for the consequences of violent political rhetoric.

Along with The Merv Griffith Show, definitely in my top 10 SCTV sketches.

Poor Dave Foley. Would it be inappropriate to start a gofundme campaign for Dave to pay off his debts so he can go home again?

ESO is the MMO everyone loves to hate because it had a terrible launch but that was two years ago and it's gotten a lot better since then. It may be a Zenimax game and not a Bethesda game but they kept with tradition by releasing a buggy, nigh-unplayable game that was only fixed by modders.

Can I fight the Goa'uld?

Yeah, but Odo was awesome.

He's half Jewish. Back when he was a comedian he would do a bit about bringing an attorney to confession.

Who was the lady who got in trouble a few years ago for using the "n-word"? Was it Dr. Laura?


Would Danny Trejo play Tío Ben?

I hated steak for well into my adult life because the only steak I had was when I was a kid eating at Ponderosa. That's what I thought steak was: a greasy, nasty hockey puck. It wasn't until I was in my twenties that I had actual steak and, brother, that was a religious experience.

In my mind and in my crack
We can't go back, it's a Shaq Attack

I used to make up an address. I'd use 1313 Mockingbird Lane so Herman Munster is probably like, "Lilly, why are we getting all this Radio Shack junk mail?"