
I buy a lot of my furniture from the Vermont State Surplus Warehouse. Sure, it all looks like it wouldn't be out of place in a 60's Dragnet episode, that's what I like about it!

I bought a DVD of Emmett Otter's Jugband Christmas at a going-out-of-business Hollywood Video for three dollars. Riverbottom Nightmare Band!

I do, a little. When I was a kid and getting into electronics going there was like Christmas for me. They had every part for every project, seemingly. Even as recently as a couple of months ago I bought I a cable for work there because I needed it quickly. They were mismanaged into the ground so I'll pour out a

The balloons make it that much more sad.

Dave Nelson in Newsradio.

Well, as much of a professional failure as I've become lately I can at least look myself in the mirror and say, "Thank God I'm not this guy!"

During the late 1990's I was a master control operator on the overnight shift at an NBC affiliate. I watched a lot Leno and Conan. Here's a selection of punchlines in the monologues:
Bill Clinton: He's horny!
Monica Lewinski: She's a slut!

All I want is a Tex Murphy movie.

From my cold dead thighs!

In Revenge of the Nerds (1984) one of the jocks says to one of the nerds (Curtis Armstrong), "What are you looking at, nerd?" and the nerd says, "I thought that was my mother's old douchebag but that's in Ohio."

Makes me wish I could watch Adam Adamant Lives.

When I was a kid I wanted to follow Weird Al on tour. Heck, I still do!

Sharpe's Beach Party is my favorite.

My wife and I watched "Threads" and "The Day After" back-to-back one rainy Sunday. After that she said to me, "Can we watch something funny and stupid?" So we watched "Stone Cold" and Brian Bosworth punched the blues away.

Is Stephen King going to play Stephen King in The Dark Tower?

I grew up on margarine (Parkay, specifically). I didn't have real butter until I moved to Vermont and haven't looked back.

I'm waiting until Stephen Baldwin weighs in.

Because he doesn't want them, he wants an easy paycheck.

He absolutely refuses to talk to Vermont news media but he's got his own podcast.

Is Bruce Payne going to be in it?