
I'd be the Everyman Bond! A Bond who gets winded going up a flight of stairs!

I would play Bond for half that, but if the world could barely handle Craig (remember "Bond is not blonde!") and not handle a Bond-of-color at all I don't think it could take a doughy, middle-aged Bond.

I didn't realize she likes Trump. Birds of a feather, I guess. Hey, Trump's looking for a VP. Trump/Banks 2016?

I alternate between feeling nostalgic for and hating the 70's and that Beatles medley really encapsulates that. I do think we should bring the variety show back with a big star-studded tribute to Buzzfeed.

I quit reading when Clive Cussler started writing himself into the stories and sharing steamy looks with his creation. I think it was "Dragon" and I was 16 and I had a big old WTF? moment.

I couldn't get into The Hobbit when I was a kid either. Of course, I was reading Clive Cussler so I wasn't the most literary of children.

There were shorter versions. I really only saw the long version in the wild a couple of times.

I always liked the short films HBO would show as interstitial filler between movies.

Man, that was awesome. My family got cable in 1983 and my parents sprang for the full boat - HBO, Showtime, Skinemax (oh, yes), all the channels. And I lived in a fairly urban part of the country (between Hartford, CT and Springfield, MA) so it's not like there was a dearth of over-the-air channels. But this cable

I have kissably smooth wrists.

Well, at least it wasn't an exploding neck collar as seen in The Running Man, Battlefield Earth and Fortress.

I remember a Letterman top 10 list "10 Things David Souter will do to celebrate being confirmed to the Supreme Court" and one of them was "Eat a sensible cottage cheese lunch off the chest of a thousand dollar an hour hooker." I don't know why but it's always stuck with me.

Whoopi plus one!

I watched Escape From LA again a couple of weeks ago and I still don't like it. Saying that it predicted the Rise of Trump (I guess?) is stretching things.
But it is better than Volcano, I'll grant you that.

LOC 4 life, yo.

Lobot is a giving lover.

OK, I first watched the show on Nickelodeon and Stiletto had a Cockney accent and it was surprising to me years later when I got the DVDs and Stiletto had an Italian accent.

Does Stiletto have an Italian or a Cockney accent?

Where's my Mr. Majestyk coloring book?

"Lisa! Get away from that jazz man!"