
It doesn't have the "Love Conquers All" ending where Sam Lowry escapes the police state and winds up with the girl .

And $3.5 mil in San Francisco will get you a cardboard box and a swift kick in the nuts.

The Internet informs me that Don McLean has a net worth of $3.5 million. That seems like a lot to me, but then the Internet also informed me that Pauly Shore is worth $15 million.

Are they both mad? Or am I going mad? Or is it the sun?

Then I guess I don't care.

Bridge on The River Kwai Street, where Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are a couple of misfits who have to blow up the eponymous bridge.

I kind of liked the 21 Jump Street movie although I felt that the script probably started life as a generic "buddy cops go to high school" movie that some studio types slapped the 21 Jump Street label on.

Wait till you get to the part where he bangs a bridesmaid at his sister's wedding. Wait, that was The Godfather.

Who cares? Who's playing The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight? That's what I want to know.

Oh, I am in hog heaven for the next couple of days. I wonder if they have the pilot for "Overseas", Paul Simms next venture after Newsradiio.

That would be a pretty good Match Game question:
"I'm not (BLANK), I'm just from Florida!" Let's ask Charles Nelson Reilly.

Classic, black & white Doctor Who. I could lay in bed and watch Barbara fight butterfly people or Romans or run over Daleks with a lorry all day.

Wow, The Hud came out 22 years ago? Time marches on. There was about an 18-month period of my life ('96-'97) where I watched Barton Fink, Miller's Crossing, and The Hudsucker Proxy obsessively to the exclusion of everything else. I even put them on while I slept for some hypnopaedic Brave New World-style action.

I've always had a bit of crush on Sarah Silverman, but Sara Silverman in a Nazi uniform brings out all kinds of "Ilsa: She-Wolf of the SS" fetish vibes I'm not sure how to handle.

I've been reading the book "The Showrunners" all about TV production in the 1990's. It's got a couple of amusing moments where the author says that the primary challenge networks face is from cable. Hey, it was 1999, who could have predicted the rise of streaming services? A good read, especially if you're a

I challenge anyone to roll a joint on a MP3 player. LP records for the win.

TWELVE! I want to say that was Electric Company, which was always a bit trippier than Sesame Street.

It reminds me of those old animusic videos, except in real life which makes it that much more awesome.

Zetus lupetus!

Gosh, I miss this show. Just the other day I was going, "I don't know you, that's my purse!" I have no idea why.