
If paying more means seeing no ads ever, then I might go for it. If it means seeing "fewer, but still a lot" of ads like it is with Hulu Plus, I will probably pass.

Yes, that was exactly the bit I was thinking of too. Conan howling with laughter as Smigel tries to put the dental appliance back in still cracks me up and I haven't seen it since it was first on.

She was even in the Shanghai: Great Moments video game which is basically Mahjong with full-motion video.…
"Or you can turn me off any time." Oh, Rosalind, never.

Larry Gelbart used to be a regular on back in the late-90's/early-00's (right when FX was running 16 episodes a day) and he was the nicest guy. Internet jerks, obsessive fans, trolls, what have you, he was polite to all of them. RIP, elsig, you are missed.

I recommend SeaQuest DSV, streaming on Netflix. When I first started watching it I thought it would be yet another 90's-era cheapjack Star Trek TNG knockoff. And it was, but there are also a number of really good episodes and standout performances. The romance between Cmdr Ford and Lt Henderson that picks up in the

I wonder what the Manolo would make of this.

I feel pretty dumb because I never thought of it.

I liked it when he and Jerry O'Connell slid to the parallel universe where Captain Roy Schieder and the rest of the SeaQuest crew were trying to colonize Earth 2.
I'm sorry, I've been watching a lot of 90's scifi on Netflix.

Fart, Hiram Maxim was American, not British. I thought I had you on that one. Well, Jonas Salk was American too. Wait, was he? (checks) Yes, he was.

"Colossus: The Forbin Project" but I'm in a really bad mood today.

I agree that I could have seen more history of Atari and less digging. The rise and fall of Atari is one of those stories I could hear again and again because I was a huge Atari fanboi in the 80's (and even 90's - I had a Jaguar) so it's good to teach me the folly of hubris.
I really want to meet Howard Warshaw and

I've watched enough legitimately bad movies multiple times that I don't feel too bad giving a movie I may have unfairly maligned another shot.

I liked Watchers, but I think that was about it

That's funny, I was just telling a coworker how much better a movie Colossus: The Forbin Project is than Demon Seed but now I wonder if they're two very different movies and I should give Demon Seed another chance.

I thought we were supposed to be boycotting Jelly Belly or something.

I think a pair of super sweet headphones would be lost on me listening to American Caesar or something like that so I'll just leave the contest for someone else to win.

They seemed to be working on giving Khandi more to do while having her wear fewer clothes as time went on.

"First day at bible college!"

The delivery of that line cracks me up every time. "How could she…french her daddy?"

"A complaint about the complaint box, delicious."
I love this show. I'm re-watching it with my wife (we just watched Arcade last night) and, even though I've watched it a million times, I still laugh my anus off.