
I was thinking of making a supecut of all the times Steve Austin gets hit on the head in The SIx Million Dollar Man, but I don't think it would be as interesting as this one.

He could be Phil Spector's cell mate.

No making out with Richard Dawson, though.

Oh God, if we learn Bob Newhart is a monster too I am going to be facing a serious crisis.

I feel bad about this, not because The Coz turned out to be such a monster, but because I adored him when I was a kid. This was before The Cosby Show and I would listen to my Dad's old Cosby LPs for hours. I would slavishly imitate his rhythms and style. I was the best nine-year old suburban white kid Bill Cosby

Ooh, yeah give yourself a gold star. I'm doing a Screamers/Of Unknown Origin double feature this weekend.

I rented Screamers a few years ago from Netflix and enjoyed it quite a bit. It's got that guy on roller blades from Caroline in the City. He's not on roller blades in this because, as the Solarbabies can attest, skates and the apocalypse don't mix.

Oh, I've been enjoying the heck out of Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman. RIP, Harve, Six Mil was an awesome show.

Jim Rockford in The Rockford Files: He got the job done, did it well, had a cool car and did it all for "200 a day, plus expenses."

He and Stephen Root were literally the only good things about Robocop 3.

That scene in Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals where Laura Gemser and Monica Zanchi make out with each other in a lagoon while a chimp watches and smokes cigarettes.

Just don't have any friends who turn out to be pedos.

A very good friend of mine and I loved the movie Barton Fink. We could do whole scenes together. It later turned out that he was molesting his step-daughter and doing things like breaking into mutual friends' houses while they were out of town and rifling through their stuff for personal items he could steal.

I'm leaving my Facebook account to Burt Reynolds.

I had a wicked crush on Elizabeth Berkely. She's still mighty attractive. I might have to watch Showgirls tonight.

Jupiter Jones? Damn, I was hoping this was going to be a bloated, CGI-heavy Three Investigators movie.

I always wanted a Blink Dog from Dungeons & Dragons. A teleporting, intelligent Jack Russell terrier.
Or Honor Harrington's cat.

I thought the Third Rock From the Sun episode that dovetailed with the end of the Superbowl was pretty good.

Here are two things I don't give a shit about:
1) What Kid Rock thinks.
2) What Seth Rogan thinks.
Here's a bonus thing I don't give a shit about:
Football air pressure.

Is The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra going to be included?
"We’d pay $10 to see Blacula Vs. Foxy Brown—wouldn’t you?"
Yes, yes I would.