
Nothing wrong with a black guy in fantasy, but there is something wrong with race swaps of established and clearly defined characters.

I guess I’m in the minority here, but I thought that the Great Sky Island was a genius section of game design. It flowed naturally and felt like it trusted the player to figure it out, and left multiple paths forward for quite a few areas (including that last shrine, which I do admit was a doozy). But all of that was

“Never underestimate the enmity of those for whom outrage is a sport” -Josephine Montilyet

Everything that has ever existed can be viewed as problematic under the right lens. I feel like we are just desperately seeking reasons to complain at this point. I guess moving forward, just to be safe, all characters should be the generic placeholder body used in most game engines.
BMI had J-shaped associations with overall mortality and most specific causes of death; for mental and behavioural, neurological, and external causes, lower BMI was associated with increased mortality risk.”
Being bigger makes you die

I think it’s fair to identify a portrayal as overly tropey, especially when those tropes are grounded in attitudes towards people that can be harmful.

But also like... “seek to connect body size, mortality and food”? Those things... are very much connected. More food makes you bigger. Bigger people die faster. Those

I clicked on the ‘transphobic tweets’ link and I am finding a dearth of transphobia.

I don’t see the problem with her in this remake.  She starts out very much afraid and unconfident, as she should be since she’s an untrained young woman going through a severely traumatic experience.  And then through the small actions she takes she’s able to gain back some of that confidence and sees Leon as someone

That's a no from me. Her characterization was vastly improved and she felt like a much more rounded person. 

You know what’s great about Kotaku?

Thanks for the spoiler. I would have found this to be an interesting surprise for a character that has so far not shown any particular romantic interest in anyone. 

The DLC literally came out yesterday and you go and throw a major character spoiler IN THE FREAKIN’ HEADLINE, completely unavoidable. Sooooooooo glad you put a spoiler warning in the body of your article though. Jerk. 

They DLC came out yesterday. Do you have to post spoilers in the headline and image?

The whole obsession the community (and the devs apparently) has over the sexual identities of these characters is so...strange I guess? If I didn’t know any better I’d assume Overwatch was some crazy popular HBO show.

I hope Kinja didnt make this the size of a monitor...

Hot on the heels of, “P5 won’t let me ship Joker and Ryuji like in my headcanon so it’s homophobic,” comes, “A P5 spinoff won’t bring back the dead sociopathic murderer I like so it’s homophobic.” I can’t wait for Part 3 of this thrilling trilogy, “P5 made me lose my wallet yesterday so it’s homophobic.”

Akechi is a cop that murdered Futabas mother, which in turn made Sad Coffee Dad Sojiro a bachelor for life. There is nothing to like with this kid. I’m glad he died and I hope he is revived to die again. Fight me.

You are judging it by 2023 standards in a game that takes place in the late 1800s. I mean the British at the time thought that conserving nature was mounting the head of the animal on your wall.

Says the website with a fake Japanese name.